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The next few mornings, Jisoo joins us for breakfast. The frosty, rigid anger melts from her over the course of a few days, but she still forbid Roseanne from joinging in on any of the "missions". "Ugh. Can you stop calling them that?" "What else should I call them?" Roseanne and I are sitting on the kitchen floor with Nox begging for our attention. His cold, wet nose jabs me right under my chin, tickling me until I giggle and give him his toy. "Dunno. But I still want in." "Not happening." Nox drops one of the toys onto Jisoo's lap, distracting us long enough that the situation is left unresolved.

Frustated, Roseanne and I turn back to what our job is supposed to be- financing the ang. "Got a few invites to host, and a few to play..." We're both sprawled out on her bed. Roseanne liess on her stomach, wearing nothing but her underwear as usual. She scrolls through a list on her phone. "There's also a party we can go to. It's run by a big shot who'll be important in the next big tournament." "You keep mentioning that. It's supposed to be bigger than the Black Diamond, right?" "Mhm. It's a top priority." I cover her phone screen with one hand,pushing it down onto the mattress with a grin. "So let's go to the party." Roseanne looks uncertain at first...but then a big, wicked grin overtakes her face.

Roseanne's mood can sometimes be directly proportional to the length of her heels. The more she needs a literal boost, the taller they are. "Woooo. Rosie, have I ever mentioned that I love your legs?" "You may have, but I could stand to hear it a little more." I circle around her, both my hands clasped to my chest in excitement, getting hype over how pretty Roseanne is. "I dunno how to pull off heels that big, I'm so jealous." "You like them that much? Maybe I should wear them to bed one of these days." My train of thoughts get completely derailed at the mental image. Catching the look on my face, Roseanne laughs before getting in the car. "So...definitly a yes, then. I'll put it on the list." "You have a list?!"

Once we're inside the building, Roseanne shines. She's completely in her element,a perfect social butterfly fitting from table to table. "This was a good idea. So many people here are going to ber our rivals in just a few months." She speaks low enough so that only I can hear her. "I'll keep an eye on them. See if I can learn anything that'll help us down the road." "That's my smart girl."

At one point we spilt up, each of us migrating to our special interests. Roseanne loves the games of chance that she can control, either by counting cards or manipulating people. I'm a little more free, taking risks on roulette and dice throws. Every time I look at Roseanne, she has a different drink in her hand. At the craps table, I'm startled out of my worrying when she swings by and hugs me around the waist with both arms. "Playing another round?" "No, I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. You should play instead!" Roseanne hesitates when I hand her the dice. Then she grins, sneaking a quick kiss on the lips. "Sure!" She keeps me close as an excited crowd gathers in. I'm already on a winning streak, so there's tense expectation in the air to see what Roseanne's dice will land on. She extends her hand to me, the red dice cuppped in her palm. "Blow me for luck, love?" The raucous laughter around us spikes at Roseanne's raunchy joke. Turning red, I nevertheless do as she asks and blow on the dice.

She tosses.

Come on come on come on come on--

Clutching onto my hand tightly, her eyes are rapt on the results as the dice skitter to a halt on-

"Seven! SEVEN! Yessss!" The crowd around us cheers when Roseanne collects our money, and then cheers louder when I drag her down for a full, passionate kiss. That's right. This woman is mine, and don't any of you forget it!

We keep a lower profile after that, never making any huge gambles so that we don't lose too much money. "Or else Jisoo will scold me." She laughs, though, stroking my hair out of my face every time she gets the opportunity. The only empty chair are the ones at the bar, so we squeeze in. Just about to order something, she pauses. "Dumb question, but do you know how much I've had to drink?" "I'm not here to monitor what goes into your mouth, Rosie." That makes her crack up, her eyebrows wiggling mischievously.

"Ayyyy!" Pleasantly buzzed, she winks at the bartender the next time she passes by. "But I guess that's fair. Between the drinks and all the cute girls on me tonight.. You'd have your hands full keeping me in line, wouldn't you?" Roseanne realies her mistake as soon as the words leave her mouth. Sitting up straighter, she turns away from me and hastly takes a sip of water, eyes wide.


It's a joke. It's just a joke. Just a joke. Don't freak out!

But my temper rises up, unexpectedly fast. Good mood tanking, I plant both my palms on the bar counter and get to my feet, staling away. Checking around us, Roseanne's gaze lands on one of the private gambling rooms. Taking me by the wrist, she drags me inside and quickly shuts the door behind us.

"Don't--" "I'm sorry." She says quickly, before I can get anything else in. "I keep forgetting. For me, flirting is just another way to talk to people, you know?" "I know. I'm used to it." Roseanne just smirks, so I snap. "...Okay, so I'm not used to it! And it's dumb. So what?" "It's not dumb."

There's no one else around us in the room. Right outside, I can hear everyone else carrying on, if anyone noticed us duck in here, they must know better than to interrupt.

"I feel the same way, you know. I get jealous, too." "That's...surprising." "Really?" Roseanne hugs me, resting her chin on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her neck, holding her tighty like I can force the bad feelings away. "Why do you del with it so much better than I do? What am I doing wrong? Why can't I just get over this?" I can feel her biting grin as she kisses down my neck. A laugh escapes her, breath hot on my skin as she grips my waist. "...Rosie?"

"Um...don't be mad... But I...enjoy...? Being jealous?"

I blink a few times.

"What?" "I never got jealous over other girls, before. So now, when I get all jealous over you..." I'm aware of how little space there is between us now. Her stomach is pressed up against mine. The thin, expensive fabric of her clothes is hardly a barrier.

"It turns me on so much." She admits it in a rush, red-faces, trying to get the words out before her nerves take over. "I get so frustrated, and I just want to bite you all over and cover you with marks. Let everybody know who you belong to." "You said this last time, too." "No no no. Last time I said I find it hot when YOU get angry. Now I'm telling you I also get horny when I'M jealous. Big difference." "Oh my god, Rosie..."

I cover my face with my palm, trying to remember why I'm mad. She pried my hand free so that she can kiss me, her tongue finding its way to my mouth. Roseanne slides her hands over my breasts, pinching in the way that sends tingles down my whole body.

"Don't you feel the same way? Just a little?" I start laughing, pushing her away slightly. "Is that your excuse for everything?" She gets serious for a seccond, coiling my hair between her fingers. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. And I'll work harder at being a good girlfriend. Okay?" I nod and she kisses me,full of fire and tasting like expensive whiskey. True to her fantasy, she sinks her teeth into my bare shoulder until I hiss, half in pleasure and half in pain. "Right here?" "You want it somewhere else?" A helpless shiver rolls down my spine at the impatience in her voice. My hands are already fumbling with her clother, unbuckling the belt on her jeans. "Well, no...but when we walk out of here, everyone's gonna know what we were up to." "Good."

She takes my hands off of er, forcing me backwards until I'm stumbling back against the poker table. My hips hit the low edge and I lean back, gasping in surprise as Rosé starts kissing her way down my legs.

The unlocked door swings open, then, and we both freeze.

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now