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We don't get to bed until very late, but neither of us feel llike staying in bed the next morning. Restless, I decide to cook breakfast, and I make enough for the rest of the gang in case they decide to join in. 

"Whoa. Everyone watch out, Y/N is up to some kitchen witchery here." She's in a much better mood after our drive last night, and displays it by being extra cute with me. "It's just french toast." "YOU'RE a french toast." I roll my eyes when Roseanne hugs me from behind, nuzzling her nose against my cheek. "That doesn't make sense." "Get it? Because you're sweet and smoking hot." "If my french toast is smokking, something has gone terribly wrong."

"Wouldn't be the first time this kitchen caught fire." We both turn around as Lisa walks inside the kitchen and takes a seat. Her eyes are narrow with exhaustion, gaze distant as she crosses her arms. "Any coffee?" "Gotcha covered." Roseanne pours out another cup, about to hand it to Lisa when she suddenly yanks it out of her reach. "However, it comes at a price." Lisa just gives her a pout and a pleading look. I think she's going to stick to her guns, but quickly gives in. "Ah, damn it. I can't hold out on that stupid look on your face." Lisa grins and takes her coffee black, but I notice she eyes the plate of french toast that has the most powdered sugar on it. Deciding to help Roseanne out, I pass it over to her. "So what did you want?" We both drown our french toast in maple syrup. "Roseanne is restless because Jisoo won't let her know what the rest of you are doing." "She's still mad?" "Yeah.."  

I mean, her sister was put in danger because of Roseanne's grudge against her own brother. Not that Jisoo knows that just yet. 

"You know Jisoo always leaves the prelim stuff to you or Sunmi. I'm just the cleanup." "Right, but I'm not involved this time. So...?" "Can't stay." Roseanne takes her plate away before she can take the first bite, frowning at her. "Wasn't done with that." "Talk, Lisa! Come on." Lisa drags her plate back towards herself, matching Roseanne's dirty scowl. So I intercept, taking Roseanne's hand away. When she looks ready to fight me over it, I kiss the back of her palm and she immediately settles down. "Roseanne just wants to help, Lisa. This is important to her." "Mm. Obviously." She gives Roseanne a look. "Wish she trusted us enough to tell us why." Sitting back in her chair, Lisa pulls out her phone. Just when I think we aren't going to get anything out of her, she sends both me and Roseanne the same text message. "Whose contact info is this?" Roseanne skis through the message, eyes lighting up at the name. I reach it at the same time, squeezing her hand excitedly. "Namjoon! So we've got more help from our dirty fed?" "Mhm." Lisa starts eating her french toast, taking her sweet time. "Was gonna meet up with him today. But I think maybe..." The smile on her face looks devious. "I'll just bail and take Nox for a walk instead." "A long one! On the beach!" She agrees, winking.

Roseanne guns it, breaking every traffic law in the state on our way to see Namjoon. I spot him the instant once we enter our meeting place, recognizing him from the photos Ash sent. Namjoon is browsing his phone, but slowly looks up as we approach. Roseanne and I slide into the seat opposite him, intent clear. "Lisa said she's be sending others. Roseanne, I know you by reputation. But you..." He peers at me. "You must be Y/N. Sunmi I understand, but I'm shocked that Lisa failed to mention how beautiful you are." Momentarily tongue-tied, I stutter for a moment before Roseanne swoops in with a dazzling smile. She rests a hand on my shoulder in display of affection, disarming and possessive at the same time. "Isn't she, though? It's such a workplace distraction." They both laugh while I turn red, wondering how Roseanne can be so relaxed about this. Especially because I always get so jealous when other people flirt with her.

I really need to work on that. 

The conversation swings right back into what we actually came here for-- information about Jungkook. "He's been slipper after incident at the hotel. Knows we're after him." A thin blue folder is handed to us. I take them as Roseanne and Namjoon continue to talk, instantly memorizing the documents within. Some of these are the same as the ones Sunmi showed us before. But there's definitely new stuff here. Maybe stuff we can use. "I hope this will be of help." Still absorbed in what I'm reading, I slowly nod. "Thanks for everything, Namjoon. We'll see you around." The fed nods at us, paying his tab and leaving without another word. Roseanne tkes the files and we head back to her car.

This time I drive as we pull out of the parking lot. "We have a big list of places that Jungkook is likely to visit in the next 24 hours." "So we should grab the gang and-" Roseanne sits up straight, gicing my shoulders a light rap with the folder. "What? No! The Jisoo knows we went behind her back!" "She's going to find out anyway..." "Well, true." She flops the folder in her hands, looking ready to fold it in two. "But I want to talk to Jungkook one more time before we do anything else. I know he wants to talk to me, too." Siding back against her seat, Roseanne's shoulderd droop. "Though I'm not sure what I'll say once I see him again." "We need to forget the personal element here and focus on what's important. This guy who stole from us, plain and simple. Everything else makes it all muddy." "You're probbably right..."

We spend the rest of the day hunting down Jungkook to no avail. Right up until the dead hours of the morning, when Roseanne calls it quits. "What, is it past his bedtime? Come on, I can keep going." "You're nodding off at the wheel. Pull over and let me drive." Reluctantly I hand her the driver's seat. Once I'm free to relax a bit, the crushing weight of exhaustion hits me harder than ever. 

I doze, drifting in and out of consciousness until I feel Roseanne's hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me awake. "Hey, lover. We're home." She teases me. "Need me to carry you to bed?" Still sleepy, I just shake my head no. "You gotta tell Jisoo what we were up to today." I check the clock. "I know. I will." Leaning against her, I sleepily mumble into her soft hair. It smells like her shampoo, tick and floral. "She worries about you." She agrees again, quieter. Then she kisses me, sweet and chaste.  "Looks like the sun is rising. She'll be awake soon. You head to bed, sweetheart. I'll stay up and talk to Jisoo." 

My lips draw tight in a pout. Crossing my arms, I stare at her wordlessly. Roseanne is trying to rub away the stress lines on her forehead, focus somewhere else. When she notices me not leaving the car, she gives me a tired smile. "...What?" The way she says it is already a tease in itself. "Are you really trying to shoo me away like a little kid up past her bedtime? I can stay up as long as you can." "I'm sorry. I was trying to be considerate. Next time I see you asleep on your feet, I'll insist you stay awake." "Yeah, you better." "And when I'm tired and worn out, what will you do?" The question throws me for a loop at first. I pause, struggling to form an answer. Roseanne chuckles.. "You're taking it so seriously. Need a minute?" "Yes. I mean no. I mean don't change the subject." I glare at her, but Roseanne seems delighted by it. 

"Don't give me that face. You're only cranky because you're tired." "Stop saying it like that! I'm an adult!" "Aw, baby, it's okay. Come here." She draws me into her arms and I start trying to wiggle free, already sensing she had ulterior motives. "N...no. No! You're just gonna start teasing me!" "Shhh. Go to sleep." She fake wrestles me, putting me into a mock chokehold and I flail, whining louder. "Oh my god, you can't force me to pass out!" "Come on. It's sleep time." "Stoooop." I slap her away and Roseanne starts giggling, one hand over her mouth. I'm torn between being upset and laughing, too. "Okay. We'll wait for Jisoo together." Satisfied for now, I reward Roseanne with a kiss on the nose.

Once we're inside, Roseanne stretched out on the couch with a low moan. Then she pats her lap, gesturing for me to come close. "Hold me?" I do, resting my head on her soft chest. I melt into he embrace, remembering how much I love her. "This is a trick... you're trying to get me to nap..." "I do find it cute that you're fighting it." She strokes my hair. "Want to watch some TV or something while we wait?" "Mmm." I kiss her. "...Y/N? Did you hear me?" My eyelids flutter shut, and my thight hold on her relaxes some. We stay like that for a while, though I can't tell how long. It feels like reality fades in and out, no matter how hard I struggle. "...Are you asleep?" She asks softly. "I'm a... one half. I've got one foot in the door." "Huh?" "I'm a lucid type of person." "...Oh my god, you're sleeptalking." Roseanne's body shakes with laughter, but I'm still lulled into semi conciousness. "This is cute, I'm gonna record this." "Not if I record you first." I mumble, squezing her to let her know I mean business. That's the last thing I remember before I fully slip under.

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