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"Ah, shit."

The two of us spring apart. Thankfully, we're still fully clothed. Five minutes from now might have been a different story.


All the heady arousal evaporates in an instant. Before Jungkook can turn around and flee, she's on him. Roseanne grabs the front of his shirt, shaking him. "What a coincidence! Just the man I wanted to see." "Let go of me, or I'll-" He tries to break her hold on him. Fear flashes through me for an instant—he's so much bigger than her, and Roseanne is so light. But Jungkook goes flying just like last time, landing onto his back with a pained shout. This time, however, he doesn't stay down. "You disrespectful little-" When Roseanne tries to close in on him, he gets up to his feet and slaps her right across the face. Before I can even react, she socks him square across the jaw, pummeling him furiously. "I'll kill you! Do you hear me? I'll kill you!" Roseanne knees him in the gut, eyes blazing. The two siblings start fighting tooth and nail, fists swinging. It's like a pair of cats, too intense and violent for me to feel safe interfering.

Jungkook is a tough guy, but Roseanne's been training under HaJoon Kim all her life. Soon she has him pinned to the floor, one hand wrapped around his throat. "Why did you do it?" Rebelliously, Jungkook glares up at Roseanne, pride not shattered in the least. So she slams his head down onto the floor. "You pretend to come to me with open arms and then you steal from me!" Still he doesn't say anything, just snarl at her. If at all possible, Roseanne gets even more furious. "Tell me where you hid the real jewel and maybe I'll let you live, you son of a bitch." The man finally breaks his silence. "We have the same mother, idiot." He insult her, but I notice he doesn't try to swing her anymore. Jungkook keeps his hands at his side, clenched into tight fists. "I'll show you what I do to little backstabbers like you, you-"

"Roseanne. Stop!" A furious tension burns in the air. Roseanne still has bot her hands on her brother, ready to strangle him. "He's not worth it." "I decide what's worth my time!" "Rosie, please." I pull her back, both hands on her shoulders. She resists at first, making me wonder if she'd try to buck free. But then all the aggression bleeds out of her and she's limp, uncomfortably sober as she gets up an stumbles back. Inch by inch, Jungkook gets up to his feet as well. He still has bruises from his last encounter with Roseanne, I can't help but note.

"I just...wanted...to talk to you." He pants, using his shirt cuffs to mop at a cut lip. "It's too late for that." I hold onto Roseanne, keeping her back a few paces in case she decides to lunge at Jungkook again. "Where's my girlfriend's necklace?" "Is that why you're mad? I hurt her little feeling?" "I'm mad because you expect me to trust you after everything you've done to me! You wanna talk? About what? About going to visit mom in Korea? Let's reconnect, have a beer, sorry for letting you fend for yourself when you were a kid?" Jungkook wipes his mouth again, breathing raggedly. Outside, I hear a few tentative knocks on the door. The partygoers must have heard the commotion from the fight. "You're right. I don't even know why I bother with trash like you." "Look who's talking." Jungkook bares his teeth in a snarl. Jungkook leaves without another word, shoving past the peope gathered just outside the doorway.

Roseanne runs a hand through her messy hair, eyes wild. Then she pulls out her phone, dialing a number with shaking hands. I can hear Jisoo's voice, distant. "Rosie? Need something?" She exhales a huge breath, closing her eyes. Then they flash open, focused and intent. "Jungkook is right here. If you head out quick enough we can take him out tonight!"

Alarm lights me up. "You don't mean- " "I mean exactly what I said. It's time to finish this problem once and for all." She waits for Jisoo to respond and begins to pace restlessly. Anger suffuses the very air around her, rippling off her like heat waves. "Murdering Jungkook was never in the plan. What are you talking about? Come home. We're not sparking a war over a necklace." "Are you serious right now?" "Yes, and I'm worried about you. I trust you, Rosie. And I will kill for you if you ask. But you have to tell me why first." "..." "Please come home." Roseanne and I look at each other, the same thoughts mirrored between us. 

Jisoo never says please. 

She hangs up, not saying another word. So I take Roseanne's hand and I start pulling her away. She lets herself be led, torn between anger and guilt. "But I..." "Come on. The gang is waiting for us." She scowls.

The drive home is tense, rife with anger. But every so often Roseanne reaches over to stroke my hair, and the touch is never harsh. If anything, she takes care to be extra gentle with me until we pull up in front of the mension. The engine purrs, a promise that we can just turn around and run away from this. 

"...You have to tell them." Roseanne's face is set in a frown, eyes directly ahead. "What difference will it make?" "It'll matter to them. And maybe with the air clear you can come up with another plan." She grips the steering wheel. "Look how well that went last time!" She nearly spits the words, bitter. "Jisoo is a leader. I'm the wild card who needs to be kept on a short leash." That unexpected rawness rolls around in my head, connecting the dots. "You know that's not true. Everyone in the gang respects you." 

She reaches for the keys, hesitating. The house lights illuminate her face, all the bruises and cuts from her scrape with Jungkook. "Hold on." A quick dig through the glove compartment finds a first aid kit. Neither of us are ready to face music just yet. Her eyes close, her body relaxing under my hands. I clean her up. The cut on her forehead had reopened, but other than that... "Almost none of this blood is yours. You should be fine." 

Roseanne actually grins, a mischievous glint lighting up her eyes. "Dang it! You were supposed  to say I look terrible, and then I tell you, 'you should see the other guy'." "I did. He definitley came out of his worse off than you, champ." She preens under the flattery, ego puffing back to its normal size. 

Quieter now, I lean closer to her to hug her. "Do you really think Jisoo would have any idea how to run this without you?" She returns the hug, head tucked into the crook of my neck. "Honestly...I have no idea. Nini, Chu and I were all trained by HaJoon...any one of us might have stepped up to be leaser. But I think we were both relieved when Jisoo took over the new gang. Less pressure on us." Her shoulders rise and fall in a huge sigh. "Maybe that was ny mistake." She looks up at the mansion, eyebrows pinched together. "Maybe it's time to take a litlle more responsibility." Then she rolls her eyes in my direction. "But I'm gonna need another drink to get through what happens now." Her mirthless, twisted smile makes me laugh. Out of habit she holds the back of my neck, thumb rolling in all the right places to ease my tension. "Don't worry. I'll be with you the whole time." "Thanks, Y/N..." She takes my hand, kills the engine, and leads me inside the mansion.

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now