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Rosé spends the next night on the couch, leaving me alone in her room again. I find her cramped out in the living room with Nox the next morning, the blankets folded and her pillow set away.

"Really?" Jisoo grumbles as she enters the room, a cup of milk in hand. "He gave me puppy eyes, Chu. I couldn't say no." "Come on, Nox. Off the couch." To my surprise he doesn't listen to me. Nox rests his head on Rosé's lap, looking up at her with pure adoration.

"Aw. I thought he was warming up to me." I suppress the urge to shiver as Lisa slides right next to me, doing her usual ninja routine of appearing without a sound. "Were you not satisfied stealing everyone's girlfriend? Are you going to steal their pets, too?" Jennie says playfully glaring at Rosé. "Don't even hate."

"Oh, is this where everyone is?"I give Sunmi a wave as she enters the room, tugging her hoodie on. "I have something important to share, so everyone listen up."

Jennie passes her a cup of coffee, greeting her under her breath. "Did the cameras reveal something?" "They did." Sunmi triumphantly lifts her hand, pointing at me. "And (Y/N) is back in the Black Diamond!" I nearly drop my mug. Eveyone else in the room freezes, processing this. Jisoo recovers first, already snapping back into action.

"How?" "With Lisa's aid, I did some investigating yesterday. Call me sore loser, but I don't trust Ha-joon to host a fair competition." "But what did you find?" "The one who ran away with the second place was cheating!" "That!-" I pause. "Explains a lot, actually."

The second place player was NOT as good as Jimin or I. But I had been so busy focussing on his challenges, I hadn't been vigilant against the other players.

"With the security footage forom the game, we unearthed indisputable proof." "But that doesn't explain how they got away with it." "I know how." Rosé's voice sounds frigid, ready to shatter with anger. "I bet Ha-joon paid the dealer to turn a blind eye. And of course Jimin wasn't going to rat them out, either. He was safe in first place." Jisoo bristles with newfound energy. "But now it's out in the open! they can't sweep this one under the rug." "I guess this is why Ha-joon wanted to host the tournament to begin with. The dirty, lying snake."

I turn to Rosé, grinning at her. "Isn't this great, Rosé? We're back in business!" To mt surprise, Rosé still seems chilly. Giving Nox more space on the couch, she gets up and stalks over her gabling room without another word. "Don't tell me she's still hungover."Jennie looks shocked. "Beats me."Lisa says. "Maybe she's just mad the other guy cheated?" "I doubt it. Everyone knows cheating is allowed at these things, so long as yo don't get caught."Jisoo says. I slump into the couch, defeated. "So if she's not mad about cheating, and she's not mad about me being out of the tournament...What on eath has her so distant from me?"

A little too late, I realize I'd spoken my thoughts out loud. Jennie coughs and mumbles something about breakfast, disappearing into the kitchen with Sunmi in tow. "Hey." I look up, but Jisoo isn't talking to me. She points at Nox, frowning deeply. "Off!" Without Rosé there to vouch for him, Nox quickly leaps off the cushions and onto the floor. Lisa bends down next to me to give my dog a consolling pat on the head. "Everything will be fine.""As long as I kee my head cool this time, yeah. Jimin doesn't stand a chance." "i mean with Rosie." "I've... been trying to give her space, like you suggested, Jisoo." "Good. Nothing she hates more than a pity party." Ï just can't shake the feeling that she hates me now."

If Jisoo rolls her eyes any harder, they're liable to fall right out of her skull. "For the love of god...Don't be melodramatic. of course she doesn't hate you. What are you, stupid?" "No, Jisoo. Don't hold back. Tell me how you really feel." Lisa snorts in laughter, quieting only when Jisoo sshoots her a glare. Her shoulders rise with a sharp huff as she crosses her arms. "Look, I've known her for a long time." Jisoo nods to the comforter on the couch. "She would not willlingly couch herself for anything less than a fire in her room. Got it?" The way Jisoo is looking at me would have been intimidating on my first night here. But bow I'm beginning to see it's just her default expression.

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now