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Lying on my back and staring at the ceiling doesn't seem like the best way to spend my free time. So I get up and head downstairs to the kitchen as soon as the sun rises.

Just as the water begins to boil, Sunmi pops into the kitchen, fully dressed and unbearably chipper. "someone awake before me? What a surprise!"I'm still pretty sad, not to mention disoriented from lack of sleep but I manage a small smile. Summoned by the coffee, Jennie bustles into the kitvhen as well adnd begins whipping up for breakfast. Whistling while she cooks, Jennie shoots us a wink. "You should toss a shot of whiskey in there inhonor of Rosie today."My stomach sinks, though I try to keep a level face.

If everyone else is going to pretend that everything is fine, then I guess I will too.

"I wasn't aware we had anything to celebrate." Jennie laughs as she flips the omelet in the skillet. "Celebrate? Nah. Commiserate. She was up all night in the gambling room, drinking me under the table. She yawns hugely as I try not to stare. "She got you too, huh?" A hand reaches past me, nearly making me shed my skin in fright. Silet as a ghost, Lisa helps herself to another cup of coffee.

"Ah, Lisa. Just the girl i wanted to see." Moving towards Lisa, Sunmi claps her on the shoulder. "I need your eyes later today. we have some security footage togo over." Lisa's gaze sharpens on her. "Did someone try to break into the mansion?""No no. This is for..." Sunmi pauses, suddenly looking at me. "...Something else." Lifting my eyebrows, I press my lips together. Ï'm not sure I even want to know." "We'll give you summary later. Maybe." "You didn't fid my parents, did you?" Sunmi shakes her head. The three tof thembegin chtting over breakfast, but I tune out almost at once.

So Rosé stayed here the whole night. i guess she didn't feel like company.

An idea strikes me. "I'll be right back." Pouring another cup, I head over to the gambling room.

"Roseanne. Still awake?" A low groan answer me, so I push the door open all the way and heaad inside. Rosé is sprawled out on the couch, eyes clenched tightly shut and one arm thrown over her forehead. "I brought coffee. There's breakfast in the kitchen, too, if you want any." Joint by joint, Rosé slowly sits up, cradling her head in her palms. She shakes her head, and the winces at the movement. "Don't want you here. I'm a mess."Her words are muffled ny her palms. "Leave the coffee."

I'm not sure what I expected, after last night.

Rosé's gruff, haggard appearane can't make me forget what I've seen.

She's confinded me before. What's different this time? Does she really blame me for this loss... after everything?

All night I'd carried a tight coil of pain, wound tightly in my chest. When I close the door to the gambling room, it feels ready to choke me alive.

Rosé ignores me for the rest of the day. Without the Black Diamond looming over me, I'm left feeling standed. I consider checking out what the area around us looks like, outside the mansion gates, but it's so secluded there's almost nothig around except our house.

...Roseanne's house. Not mine.

I sigh in frustration, pausing to rub my forehead with the heel of my palm. "If she was just using me, why bother with all the pretense of liking my company?" And while Roseanne doesn't seem angry anymore, I doubt things will ever return to how they were before.

Left with these heavy thoughts, I don't even notice the truck hovering just outside the gates until it honks. The tinted window rolls down... and Jimin pops his head out, smiling thinly at me. "...Hey girl." "Ugh. You!" Turning my back on him, I quickly start walking back towards the mansion. "Aw, don't be like that!" The truck speeds up to catch up with me, Jimin carrying our conversation all the time. "I just wanna talk!""Jimin, please. You've already won." Nox whines at my tone, so I soften up just a bit. I don't want to make this big scaredy cat run away again. "Be a decent human being for once in your life and leave me alone."

Gangster in love (Rosé x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now