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Lyall Nyght rested in his armchair, his milky white eyes gazing unblinkingly at his son. His lips were stretched to a serious thin line and his hands were clasped in his lap. "Tobias."

"Yes, alpha?" Tobias stood before his father, unsure why he had been summoned. He hadn't seen his father in over a week and to be suddenly requested in his presence meant something had to be in the works.

Alpha," Lyall said, savoring the sound of the word on his tongue. That was his title, and had been for many years but would now be no more. "That title is one I can no longer hold."

A concerned frown marred Tobias's ruggedly handsome face. His head slickly titled and his keen eyes narrowed. "Father, what do you mean?"

"I mean I am not longer fit to lead the pack." Lyall gestured toward his sightless eyes and shook his head. "See this? I can no longer see to defend the pack. Tobias, you are my successor. I'm stepping down. This pack, it's yours, alpha."

The weight of Lyall's words slowly sunk in and Tobias groped for words. After a moment's pause, he stood before his father like the warrior he was. "Thank you, sir. It is an honor. Shall we call a pack meeting?"

"Yes. I will tell the pack. Get your mother and the twins and meet at the high rock. I want you to join me up there," Lyall answered as he stood.

Tobias made his way from his father's study to the living room where his twin siblings Tony and Tasha were sharing a piece of nut cake. A small smile tugged on his lips as he glanced into their large brown eyes. "Where's mother?"

"I'm in here, Toby," Laura called from the kitchen before one of the twins could respond. Her hands were covered in flour and she wiped them off on her apron before arming Tobias up in a hug and kissing his cheek. "Is everything okay dear?"

"Yes ma'am. Father wants you and the twins to meet him at the high rock," Tobias said as he stepped from her embrace.

The summoning howl ended further conversation and all the Nyght pack made their way toward the high rock, a four-foot high stone slab in the middle of their village.

There in the center of the high stone stood Lyall, his Luna and the twins gathering at the base while Tobias climbing up to join him. Once the whole pack was present, Lyall swept his gaze over them all from the youngest newborn to the oldest elder. "I have summoned you today about a change in leadership. My eyesight have failed me, and I can no longer see. No more can I lead you in perfectness of body, for my body is lacking. I am not fit to be alpha."

A hush washed over the pack and they passed looks of concern, soft worried whimpers echoing through them once the shock settled.

Lyall gave them moment to take in the gravity of his words. He motioned for Tobias to step up with a slight smile. "That being said, I am pleased to present to you Tobias Nyght, alpha of the Nyght pack."

Loud cheers and yips of excitement flooded the area as Lyall made his way off the high rock with Laura's help, leaving Tobias up there alone. Before long the pack was chanting Tobias's name as they cheered and welcomed their new alpha whom they all knew and loved.

Tobias hopped down from the high stone into the welcome arms of his pack. His pack. Those two words ran in his head. The pack was his, and he would do everything within his power to be the alpha they needed. As he hugged everyone, kissed babies heads, and shook worn wrinkled hands, his thoughts stored things about each one as he made a mental note to be the best alpha he could ever be. A longing seized him and he found his gaze searching the females as the pack dispersed. His Luna wasn't there, nor would she be. Not now, not ever. That familiar bitter anger gripped him amidst all the happiness of the moment. He would have to spend the rest of his life alone. How fair was that?

"Alpha, a female from the Blackfang requests to see you," a guard wolf stated, pulling Tobias from his morbid thoughts.

He ran his fingers though his thick black hair, his senses on full alert now as his mind wondered at the possibilities. He gave the burly male a once-over before nodding. "Have Gabriel escort her to my study with y'all. And treat her with kindness."

"As you wish, alpha," the guard assured before walking away.

Tobias closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He had a lot of adjusting to do, along with a lot of responsibilities to shoulder. He made his way to his personal cabin and slipped into his study, shoving back the curtains and flooding the room with sunlight. He took a seat at his desk and propped his feet up on it. He folded his hands in his lap just as the awaited knock sounded. "Come on in."

The door swung open and in walked the scarred beta Gabriel with the female behind him and two guards flanking her. Gabriel took his place to Tobias's right hand and the female stood before Tobias's desk with the guards at ease beside the door.

"Please, sit," Tobias welcomed with a slight flourish of his hand toward the seat on the other side of his desk. His dark gaze silently appraised her, taking in her lean willowy figure and luminous green eyes. His eyes followed the soft indentions of her cheek bones and over the fullness of her lips. He felt an overwhelming attraction for her and his inner wolf wanted to investigate her, and that instantly had him on guard.

"Thank you." The female sat gratefully down onto the cushioned chair. Her lips were slightly parted as she breathed in, and the soft heaving of her chest told of either a great distance of traveling or nervousness. "I'm Esmeray Blackfang, sister of Connor Blackfang, alpha of the Blackfang pack."

At the mention of Connor's name, Tobias shifted and placed his feet back down on the floor. A momentary spark of joy flared in him and the tiniest of smiles touched his lips. "Connor, my old friend. How is he?"

Esmeray fought to calm herself. Was she nervous? Yes. But the rapid pulsing of her heart was solely caused by the male on the other side of the desk. Sitting there before her as pretty as you please was the tall dark stranger who stalked her dreams. His scent permeated her senses and brought with it memories formed by dreams. She felt her inner wolf raising her head but she ignored her. "Sick. There's a disease unknown to the Blackfang plaguing us. We have lost five to it already and now six more have fallen ill, my brother included. He requests your assistance."

"And my assistance he'll get," Tobias stated, reaching out and gently taking Esmeray's hand. All at once his inner wolf broke free from the grip he had on him and his eyes glinted with a touch of red. It felt as if a bolt of electricity coursed beneath his skin and his breathing hitched. Time was frozen for a moment for him before he forced his wolf to back down and removed his hand from her. He sucked in a breath, his expression mirroring hers. Almost he gave in to that feeling of finding his soulmate. But almost wasn't good enough. "Guards, escort Miss Blackfang to Nadia. Once the disease has been identified, notify me."

Before Esmeray could recover from the connection that happened between her and Tobias, she was being led by the hand outside his study. Her mind and heart were fuzzy and at war. Why had her mate not acknowledged her for what she was? Instead he had her taken away. A breathtaking pain spasmed inside her chest. Was this what it felt like to be rejected by the one person who should take you in wholeheartedly without so much as a second thought?

"Tobias what the fuck was that?" Gabriel spoke up as soon as the door to the study closed behind the trio. He slammed his hands down on the desk, his blue eyes glinting. "You know what she is. Everyone in this damn building knows what she is."

"Gabriel, back down," Tobias growled, his heart racing. His body trembled and he hated it. If just one touch from Esmeray done this to him, then what else could she do to him? He didn't need or want anyone else. His mate was killed ten years ago, and he wasn't about to find someone new no matter what his inner wolf wanted.

Gabriel showed his canines, his eyes flashing. "I will not back down! What would your father think? It's my job as omega to protect your Luna, and you just fucking rejected her!"

"She is not my Luna," Tobias bit out, baring his teeth. His heart and wolf knew his words were wrong, but he didn't care. He didn't want anyone else, and no female was gonna change his mind. With a final warning growl at Gabriel, he stormed out of his study and slammed the door behind himself.

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