chapter 6

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"what's our exit strategy?" Jisung nudged Aura.

"Our what?"

"Oh my god! We are all going to die!" Jisung looked ahead at the professor Infront of them.

"Not us , just you and Aura." Seoyeon whispered sitting on the bench along with Hyunjin, Felix and seungmin.

When Jisung and Aura entered college today, they had not expected that they were going to piss off their professor. It was a normal boring class and everyone was writing notes but Jisung and Aura, being the overexcited people they are, decided to have some fun. The 'fun' was throwing paper balls at the students in front row and as fate would have it, their aim was horrible and the paper balls just hit the bald head of the professor and he turned around furiously.

"Lee Aura, Han Jisung! Meet me outside the class now!" He yelled and stormed out of the class.

"Serves you both right." Seungmin sighed continuing writing his notes.

"Seungmin!" Jisung clicked his tongue, "what kind of unfaithful friend are you?" And seungmin blissfully ignored him.

"All the best! " Hyunjin showed them a thumbs up while both of them groaned and headed out .

"They are so dead." Felix chuckled as he jolted down everything from the board.
"I warned them." Seoyeon shrugged.

To their surprise, neither did the professor returned nor did Aura and Jisung. An soon as the bell rang, the group of four went out to look for Aura and Jisung and found them coming out of the principal's room.

"Hey , you okay?" Hyunjin went to Aura who was teary eyed. Aura nodded. "What happened?"

" Detention for today and lots of yelling." Jisung said as the group walked towards the canteen.

"It's okay , let's eat something first. After that you can- aaa ohmygod!"

Seoyeon shrieked mid sentence making the group look at her weirdly as they couldn't see anything but she could. Yibo had appeared so suddenly, right in front of her, she would have definitely bumped into him if her reflexes weren't that fast.

There he was grinning .
"Umm sorry guys..I just-" Seoyeon sighed. "Let's go to the canteen."

"Hey! Are you going to pretend you didn't see me? Did your friends not believe you?" Yibo was literally walking beside her, bombarding her with questions as Seoyeon blissfully ignored him. "Is this how you treat your soulmate? Seoyeon! Seoyeon-ah! If you don't respond then I am going to say something funny and you will laugh and then everyone will think you are mad ."

At this Seoyeon glared at him to which he smiled innocently.

"Hyung!" Felix waved at Changbin, Minho and Chan who were already present at their regular table.
"How was your day?" Changbin asked.
"It was fine for us but Aura and Jisung had it pretty bad." Felix replied.

"What happened?" Chan asked biting on his sandwich.

"They wanted to have fun by throwing paper balls at students but it hit the professor instead." Seungmin responded, hearing this Chan choked and started coughing. Hyunjin had hit his back a few times before Chan could be Normal again.

"What happened after that?" He asked.
"We have detention for today." Jisung sighed putting his head down and groaned in frustration.
"What else did you Expect, idiot!" Minho snickered.

"Let's not talk about these , " Hyunjin said "Aura did you bring the book?"

"Yeah, I did." She said taking it out of her bag .

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now