Chapter 20

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"Hyung, I am sorry."

Jisung's voice rang through his ears, momentarily freezing him. Minho didn't knew what he was actually expecting to hear but it wasn't really those three words. Jisung was the stubborn type, he never apologized to anyone unless it's been more than a week.

"Uh-i-umm okay?" Minho sounded unsure. What was he even supposed to say?

"I shouldn't have said those words, those are not true. Don't believe in them, alright? I really love you." Jisung sniffled.

Minho's eyes widened.
"Jisung are you crying?"

"I miss you."

"Stop crying, I am coming back anyways, seoyeon isn't picking up calls and the texts in the group didn't seem casual." Minho told. "I mean she was supposed to be having a good day."

"Can we meet today?"

"Uh I will inform you when I see what's going on with Seoyeon. If that's okay with you." Minho said, he didn't wanted to make jisung think that he didn't care.

"Yeah no problem. " Jisung muttered." Why didn't you pick up my calls or replied to my texts yesterday..? I thought you would leave me."

"Ah I kept my phone on silent when I went to bed." Minho lied, he didn't knew how to face jisung.

" me when you reach." Minho could practically imagine how relieved jisung was.

"Sung, I will be the last person to leave you. I love you." Minho said as he hanged up without waiting for an answer.


"No WAIT-" Aura let out a small gasp as seoyeon told her what happened. "you mean Yibo isn't here anymore?"

"I miss him so much.." seoyeon trailed off as her sight started getting blurry with tears.

Aura hugged the girl immediately, she didn't knew what to say that could make seoyeon feel good but sometimes silence are lot more meaningful that mere words of sympathy that one can say to the other.

"What should I do now.." seoyeon Cried into the hug. The small apartment looked extra empty now , she missed how Yibo Would be laying on the couch aimlessly or playing with the cats, how he sometimes walked through the walls for fun or appeared in front of her all of a sudden, giving her a heart attack.

"Do you want me to call Minho?" Aura asked softly, she was usually the sensitive one among them both and seeing seoyeon like this made her cry as well and Yibo, although she couldn't see him, she did form some sort of a friendship with the ghost boy .

"No..he wanted a break..I don't want him to get worried about me now. He rarely gets time for hims-"

A knock interrupted the girls, Aura walked up to see who it was . There stood Minho, he looked so worried that aura almost felt bad for not calling him up .

"What's wrong?" He asked softly as he gazed at Aura's tear stricken face.

"Yibo.. disappeared." Saying it out loud hurted much more .

"What?" Minho was in disbelief. He had seen the boy just last night, cooking with his sister, making lame jokes, laughing like a maniac.

Minho entered the living room , his eyes softened immediately as he saw seoyeon. The last time she had looked so distraught was when their mother passed away, it had took a long time for her to adjust after that.

"Seoyeon-ah" Minho sighed as he walked up to seoyeon and patted her head.

"W-why are you here? " Seoyeon stuttered.

"Because my dumbass little sister couldn't spend a day without making me worried." Minho said as he pulled her into a hug.

"It hurting so much.." seoyeon cried harder, her soft sobs turning into loud cries. "It feels like I can't breathe.."

"It's okay, " minho's voice cracked. "He finally achieved peace."

Minho had grown accustomed to Yibo's antics. The younger would throw random things like paper and pens at him when Minho Would be too stressed out to distract him.

He would add extra ingredients on food just so he can piss Minho off. He liked seeing Minho angry, gave him some sort of satisfaction that was beyond the Minho's understanding but Minho had started loving those antics.

He would miss Yibo too.

Later that night , Minho called jisung after putting seoyeon to bed, she had grown too tired from the crying and slept on the couch.  He also dropped Aura since it was already late and he didn't wanted to risk her safety.

"Sorry jisung we couldn't meet today.."

"Hyung it's okay . Is seoyeon okay?" Jisung asked worriedly, noticing how weak Minho sounded.

When Minho told what all happened, jisung was shocked. That was one long silence from jisung's side before he managed to say "I am sorry."

"I am guessing seoyeon will not be coming to college tomorrow, right?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah and I am sorry but I think I will stay as well because-"

Jisung interrupted Minho.

"You should stay. Seoyeon is also my bestfriend and I want you to be with her. Hyung, you don't have to be sorry. You are an amazing boyfriend, I know you are doing your best."

"Thanks sungie ." Minho smiled ever so slightly.

"I love you." Jisung finally said it.

"I love you too. " Minho replied back. "see you soon and if possible, tell others about Yibo. I really can't bring myself to do it."

"I will tell them in person tomorrow." Jisung said. " I don't really want seoyeon to read about it in the GC."

Minho hummed in response. They talked a bit more, about mundane things, occasionally talking about Yibo here and there. Minho laid down on his bed as he talked to jisung, too tired with the days event , he fell asleep while still being on the call.

"Hello?" Jisung said after noticing that Minho hadn't really said anything to his 'how he burnt the ramyeon' today story.

Jisung chuckled as he heard soft snores indicating Minho had fell asleep. Jisung hanged up soon after and went to sleep himself.

The sleep had engulfed him as soon as his head hit the pillow, all the stress and anxiety from yesterday finally leaving his body. As he slept, his dreams this time were about aliens stealing his cheesecakes rather than the nightmare of Minho leaving him from yesterday.


Hi! There are maybe like only the last chapter left.. maybe 1 or 2 chapters.

I love this book sm although it didn't made sense for the most part.

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now