Chapter 21

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1 year later

"where the fuck are you?" Changbin whined through the phone as seoyeon struggled to go through the traffic.

"I will be there soon, binnie." Seoyeon spoke as she waited for the traffic light to turn green. "We still have some time though."

Some hustling was heard from the other end until Felix's voice rang through seoyeon's phone .

"Seoyeon what happened in your track racing?"

"Eh.." seoyeon replied embarrassed. "I lost the first place to some other track racer. I got the second place."

"Oh? GUYS SHE CAME SECOND!" Felix yelled so that everyone in the room can hear the news.

"Which potato took the first place from our seoyeonie!?"
Seoyeon could already see Hyunjin dramatically throwing hands and aura trying to calm him down.

"I don't know, I told them to mail my trophy . I ran out as soon as possible." Seoyeon told over the phone. "I don't want to be late to jeongin's graduation ceremony just because I had to introduce myself to some racer."

Seoyeon had started bike racing as a way to make Yibo happy but now it was a source of happiness for her as well. The speed made her feel like she was floating, yes, it was dangerous but the trophies she had acquired throughout the previous year were worth it.

Obviously, she had won the ARRC just like Yibo had wished although that trophy was a painful memory, it always reminded her of the person she loved.

"Ah Felix, the signal is about to turn green, I will hang up. " Seoyeon said . "I will be there soon, I just need to change as soon as I reach home."

"It's okay seoyeon." Chan replied instead. "We still have two hours , changbin is just hyper excited just like Jisung and Hyunjin."

Seoyeon giggled before she muttered a quick goodbye and hanged up.


"Hyunnie-" Aura gasped as Hyunjin suddenly kissed her while she was trying to calm him down.

Aura mentally thanked the heavens that no one was in the room or else it had been embarrassing.

Hyunjin pulled her closer and put a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You look so pretty." Hyunjin commented.

"Thanks." Aura gave her eye smile .

"Ah I can't wait to marry you!" Hyunjin squealed making Aura blush. "Aura , let's get married soon."'

"What are you talking about hyunnie?!" Aura gasped as she smacked his head. "Stop flirting, we need to leave ."

"Nah I wanna kiss you mor-"


Aura immediately pushed Hyunjin away as she saw seungmin standing at the door.

"What the fuck dude why are you standing there like a creep?" Hyunjin managed to say.

"You are literally in my house but okay. " Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's leave . "

Aura chuckled awkwardly as they walked out of the room to see Chan and Ara ready to leave as well.
Jeongin wanted each one of them at his graduation ceremony.

"So everyone's ready?" Chan asked.

"YES!" Jisung yelled making Minho flinch at the sudden loudness. "I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR INNIE IS FINALLY GRADUATING!!"

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now