chapter 15

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"I am so excited!" Aura chuckled as they all got out of the house, ready to go explore the place from the book.

"I am already warning you all but don't proceed even if you find anything remotely dangerous. " Chan said before they all can divert their attention. "Just run and stay together. Don't act like kindergarten kids on a field trip. Okay?"

"Yes sir!" Everyone chorused.

Just as they were about to board the bus, minho's phone rang .
Seoyeon glanced at him as Minho hesitated to pick up.

"Yes dad." He said nonchalantly.

Seoyeon couldn't hear what was said on the other side but minho's pale place didn't indicate anything nice.

"We will be there as soon as possible. Thank you." He cut the phone off, acknowledging everyone's curious glances.

"Guys, I am so sorry but seoyeon and I have to leave for Seoul as soon as possible."

"What?!" Jisung gasped.

"Minho.." seoyeon's voice was small, she wasn't expecting something good. This expression..she remembers. Minho looked like this back when her mother left.
Minho grabbed her hand and said slowly for seoyeon to understand everything.

"Dad is in hospital." Minho followed immediately as he saw tears forming in his sister's eyes. "He..he got into a fight with some local goons and they injured him pretty badly. He might have internal injuries. As of now, he is unconscious and we have to find a way to return the debt ."

"Is is because of his... gambling?" Jisung asked hesitantly, not knowing whether that question was appropriate or not.

"Most probably." Minho sighed. " You all go, seoyeon and I will pack."

"Hey but how can we leave like that and no I am not leaving my best friend like that!" Aura protested.

"I won't like that. " Seoyeon looked up. She didn't want to spoil other's plans , she knew Everyone would retaliate but being completely honest, she needed to be alone. At most maybe she will see Minho until she's done with packing. " I am sorry."

"Don't be." Aura hugged her .

"Hyung, you both can do the packing." Jisung's voice was almost shaky. "I-i can stay and book the tickets."

He was desperate to stay with Minho . He knew Minho wouldn't let his emotions out , seoyeon wouldn't either. Both of them have always bottled everything up, mostly opening up to each other in the direst of situations.

"No jisung, Go out with them." Minho tried to assure the younger. "You were the most excited one . "

"But you are more important!"

"I don't want anyone near me right now. Not even you." Minho said calmly. "You know how it is for me."

It's true that jisung knew that Minho wouldn't agree but somewhere he had hoped that after all this while of being together, maybe things would change.

"You always do this. " Jisung said before walking away , changbin and Felix followed him to make sure he is okay.

"You will be okay, right? " Chan looked at the siblings and they nodded before he reluctantly left them with others as the siblings wanted. They wanted to be left alone. More than opening up about their feelings, it was actually more embarrassing that their father went so low .

Even if they pretended to not care but the feelings of inferiority always remained when they saw how decent and happy everyone's family was.

"Do you want me to help you with it?" Minho asked seoyeon as they went back to jeongin's home.

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now