chapter 16

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" Guys I think I found it!"

Upon hearing Chan's voice they all went upstairs to where he was. They were all in disbelief, there stood a huge closet with the same design that was present in the front cover of 'Θησαυρός'.

Changbin gasped at how amazing it all looked. The whole thing was painted in vintage red with the letters written in golden, although it was old and faded, it looked amazing.

"Should we check what's inside?" Ara asked looking at everyone.

"What if there's Annabelle inside?? " Felix almost hid behind changbin. "You all have seen conjuring, right?"

"Felix there's no such th-" Felix interrupted changbin.

"There is Yibo."

This made them ponder over it but there hasn't been anything abnormal in the house since they had arrived.

"There's a lock on it though..the passcode it 6 digits." Jeongin inspected the lock.

"Great! " Jisung slumped. "how are we supposed to get the passcode."

"It must be somewhere in the book .. afterall it lead us here." Aura reasoned as she took the book from Chan and looked through it.

"Oh? Is that it?" Aura looked confused.

"What happened baby?" Hyunjin leaned over to see what was going on.

"There aren't any such clue." Aura looked back at him.

"Lemme see." Seungmin went over it again and again until someone caught his eye. "It does have a publishing date though. "

"Could it be the passcode?" Chan wondered. "What is it?"

"25th March 1818" seungmin replied.

"This shit is older than all of our ages combined." Jisung laughed nervously. "I am gonna hide behind changbin Hyung as well. "

Chan was nervous, he certainly didn't want to face a ghost..a ghost that might not be as friendly as Yibo but he was too curious to not proceed further.

He entered the number 250318 and with a clung the closet opened. As he was about to open it , he heard jisung scream. Instantly turning around he found that the younger got scared by a butterfly flying around.

"Hannie you scared the shit out of me!" Felix yelled.

"I-i am sorry." Jisung scratched the back of his neck.

Sighing Chan decided to open the door and to Everyone's surprise there a beautiful purple crystal, it glowed. Somehow the light from it made them all feel at ease.

"What is this?" Hyunjin muttered.

"I think it's a rare stone." Changbin spoke.

Felix and Jisung had came out from their hiding to look at the beautiful stone.

" What are we supposed to do now?" Jeongin questioned looking at Everyone.


Chan jumped as the unknown voice greeted them.

"IS IT COMING FROM THE CRYSTAL!???" Hyunjin instantly hugged Aura in fear.

"It's from me but don't be scared." It definitely was coming from the crystal. "Thank you for finding me."

"Uh well what-" Ara struggled with words.

"I passed away a long ago but my soul couldn't go to the afterlife..and some priest closed me here ." The voice chirped, it definitely was a female voice. "My soulmate was ill so he couldn't fight them.. that's why he decided to write a book with clues so someday Someone can find me and free me."

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now