chapter 13

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"" Jisung glanced between Minho and the cafe in front of him. He doesn't understand why are they Infront of a cafe on a day out. We have cafes in Seoul too. He thought but is he gonna say that aloud to Minho? No.
Why? Because the older boy is looking looking at the café with curious eyes.

"J-jisung, umm..I don't know if you will like the idea so , if you want we can go somewhere else too. " Minho said , his ears turning red due to shyness .

Seeing him like that made Jisung soft, he wouldn't change a thing if he gets to see Minho shy like that. The older was known for being the savage, sarcastic and tsundere kind. Jisung tried holding in his smile , who knows if he is going to see the Lee Minho shy ever again. .

"We technically never had a cafe date, like every other couple. So, I wanted to try it too. " Minho admitted, his ears at this point were in the deepest shade of red .

Jisung gasped slightly taking in the words. He never knew that Minho enjoys their little hangouts and pays attention to them although he appears uninterested. He remembered once telling him that he wants to try all kinds of cliché date ideas too, Minho just laughed back then but Minho noted .

"Did you really remember-" jisung looked at the other male who chuckled nodding. "Oh my god! I love this idea, you have the best date ideas. Yes. Let's go in now please!"

"Don't be too eager hannie!" Minho laughed ruffling the hair of the younger.

Meanwhile Felix was having the time of his life , winning in every game he played against Changbin.

"YES!! HYUNG YOU LOST AGAIN!" He laughed as Changbin sighed dejectedly looking at the result. They were playing every kind of game present in the gaming centre.

"Lix, do you want to go in there?" Changbin said pointing towards the huge area filled with innumerable rubber balls. It looked literally like a swimming pool but instead of water there is rubber balls.

"Ooh that looks interesting!" They both ran towards the area and jumped in and that's when changbin executed his plan of Burying Felix under the rubber balls.

"Ah! Hyung!" Felix screamed as Changbin pushed him under all the rubber balls again , changbin was enjoying this too much. Afterall, he had to take revenge of all the games he lost.

"This is all for not letting me win even once!" He laughed as felix struggled to stand up.

"Sorryyy!" Felix whined and took changbin off-guard as he pulled him inside the area and buried him with rubber balls too.

They played like that for a long time, throwing balls at each other and then Burying each other. Changbin doesn't remember laughing so much in ages , his stomach hurted now but everytime he looked at Felix, something happened and he couldn't stop laughing.

For Seungmin and Jeongin, it was mostly boring. They went to see the flower park filled with different varieties of flowers and taking pictures. Seungmin can't imagine what he would have done without Jeongin. Yeah they bicker a lot, seungmin is extra clingy to Jeongin and Jeongin complains about it all the time but somewhere, they both know each other's importance.

Frankly speaking, Seungmin had never had such a close friend like Jeongin. The younger boy brought much needed happiness in his life and even though he doesn't say much, he is grateful for having Jeongin in his life.


"They would be here any minute now." Chan chuckled nervously.

"Hey Chan, do I look okay? " Ara asked nervously, giving a bad first impression is the last thing she wanted.

"You look amazing." Chan said. "As I told you, they are whipped about you. The kids really really wanted to meet you. "

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