chapter 14

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A few days passed with them enjoying in Busan and Ara was also extremely close to them now so, they eventually told her about the mysterious book .

They were currently sitting in a circle and going through the pages of the book. The next page showed them something that instantly made them excited. It was a map of the city.
It seemed like an old map , the kind they see in treasure hunting movies.

"Should we go check the place marked in this map?" Seoyeon asked.

"I don't could be dangerous." Changbin said.

"What can be the worst thing happened to us there?" Aura asked.

"Robbery, kidnapping or murder." Seungmin said.

"Or it can be haunted." Yibo wrote on a sheet of paper for everyone to read.

"Are we scared of ghosts now that we have Yibo with us?" Jisung wiggled his eyebrows making Yibo laugh.

"In conclusion, we shouldn't go." Minho declared and there were disappointed groans from the younger members.

"Please!" Jisung looked at Minho and Minho shaked his head in negative.

"I think I am gonna try impress Chan Hyung then." Jisung muttered as he threw himself over Chan.

"HYUNG LET'S GO PLEASE! " He begged and soon Hyunjin joined as well.

Hearing Hyunjin's claim Chan started laughing.

"Hyung pleaseeee! Please please please!" Jisung made sure to scream at Chan's ears.

"AH OKAY!" Chan yelled as he couldn't take the nagging anymore.

"WHA- " Minho was shocked that Chan complied to the younger members request.

"Minho, don't worry. " Chan assured him. "If the place seems shady I won't let them go further."


Aura was walking around the neighbourhood enjoying the weather, it seemed like it would rain later . The wind was cool and soft, the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, It all seemed perfect. As she was exploring the beauty of nature, a hand interwined with hers. She glanced at the person holding her hand as a small smile crept on her face.

"Hyunjin, why are you here?"

"I missed you." The boy made an adorable pout.

" We literally see eachother 24/7 nowadays." Aura chuckled as she swinged their hands back and forth.

"Yeah but," Hyunjin turned Aura towards himself. "I can't kiss you 24/7."

With that he kissed her again, soft and full of affection. When he pulled away, both of their faces had a bright smile with tints of red.

" You should tell me before you do something like that!" Aura said looking away.

"Why?" Hyunjin chuckled.

"So that I can prepare myself." Aura placed her hand on top of her heart , trying to make it stop beating so fast.

Hyunjin laughed as he kissed her forehead.

"You are adorable Lee Aura!"

"Oh my god stop!" Aura blushed making the boy's heart flutter.

"Okayyy" he said ruffling her hair.

They walked together in silence for a while when Hyunjin spoke up again.

"I am jealous of you."

Glitch || Hwang Hyunjin & Wang Yibo [Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now