Part Six

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It's just pretend.

It's just pretend. 

It's just pretend. 

"Hey, idiot," you heard a rough voice say behind you. Bakugo ruffled your hair before sitting at his desk, and you gave him a small smile, trying to ignore the strange feeling in your stomach. 

It's just pretend.

You remembered your conversation with Kaminari yesterday after Kirishima and Bakugo broke the "news" to him. 

"You're a really nice guy, Kaminari, believe me," you had told him. He seemed a bit awkward around you. "Bakugo and I had only gone out a couple of times before you asked me, and we hadn't made anything official so I thought it'd be okay to explore my options . . . and you and I weren't as close yet, so I agreed. But then only a few hours after you asked me, he wanted me to be . . . his." Your cheeks warmed up as Kaminari nodded. 

It's just pretend. 

"I totally get it!" Kaminari assured you. "I should've been able to notice the energy between you guys, anyway." 


"Hopefully this doesn't make things awkward, though," he grinned. "I'd still like being your friend, if you let me L/N!"

You beamed. "Of course!"

It's just pretend.

Your mind flashed back to the present as Aizawa entered the classroom and began his lecture. You glanced at Mina, who raised her eyebrows at you knowingly. 

You glared at her, which made her giggle quietly. Class was over in a flash--probably because you weren't able to pay attention. Having Bakugo sitting right behind you felt weird all of a sudden. Was he staring at you? What was he thinking? Why did you care? 

It's just pre--

"Babe, get up, it's lunchtime," Bakugo grumbled as he brushed past your desk. You blinked and hurriedly stood.

"Oh, right! Th-thanks, Baku--uh, babe." Bakugo froze, and the rest of the squad burst out into laughter. 

"Baku-what-now?" Kirishima chuckled. 

"Bakubabe is the best thing I've heard all year," Sero laughed, on the verge of tears. 

"It--it was an accident, I swear!" You insisted as Bakugo glared daggers at you. Why were you stuttering? Why were you nervous? It was just the angry blond boy. You suddenly burst out laughing yourself. "Actually, no! Bakubabe suits you!" 

Bakugo flexed his fingers and stalked towards you. "The hell did you say?"

You got up in his face and smirked. "Baku. Babe." 

"Oooh~ lovers' quarrel!" Kaminari teased. 

"Maybe we should leave the love birds alone," Jirou chimed in. 

"Yes!" Mina agreed. "Everyone out!" She began shoving your classmates away and out the door.

"Wait, Mina, what are you--?" The door slammed over your words, leaving you and Bakugo alone in the classroom. Even Aizawa was gone on his break. 

"That was weird," You said, your chest suddenly getting tight as you realized just how close together you and Bakugo really were. You stepped back, gathered your things, and turned to leave. "Welp, that was fun, but we should probably--"

"Hell no." He grabbed the back of your blazer and pulled you back over to him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Uhhh," you gulped, feeling his grip tighten, slightly raising you off the ground as he turned you to face him. "Lunch?"

"Don't even think about calling me that dumb nickname again, you hear me?" He growled next to your ear. Chills went down your spine. But it didn't stop you from saying, "Or what?"

He released his grip on you, dropping you to the floor. "Don't be an ass!" You grumbled, regaining your balance. 

"I'll make this fake relationship hell for you if you don't cooperate," he told you. 

You froze. You felt . . . scared. "Wh-what do you mean . . . ?" The worst scenarios filled your head. His laughter broke through your thoughts. 

"Nothing like that, dumbass! I'm not that much of a demon," he grinned sinisterly. He leaned towards you, taking in your relief before smirking and saying, "I know you don't want to be in a relationship with me, even if it's fake. I don't like this either. But if you piss me off, I'll make this 'relationship' look more and more real from the outside with every mistake you make." He locked eyes with you, and your stomach felt strange again. 

"And what if you screw up?"

"Do whatever the hell you want," he said with a shrug. He backed off and picked up his stuff again. "'Break up' with me, for all I care. Just make this last long enough for Pikachu and Headphones to get together. That's the whole point of this," he turned to you and winked as he headed towards the door, "right, babe?"

Your heart skipped a beat. "Uh, right." You followed him out the door, noticing the squad waiting for you two a few doors down the hall. You smirked, pulling your luck as you brushed past him. "Bakubabe."  

It's just pretend, you told yourself. 

He knew it, you knew it. Everyone who needed to know it, knew it. You waved happily to Mina as you got closer to the group, suddenly hearing rushed footsteps behind you. The hand you were waving with was suddenly grabbed and you were pulled towards Bakugo abruptly. 

He held a hand around your neck and growled, "I warned you, idiot."

And kissed you. 

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