Part ✨Ten✨

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Your eyes fluttered open, and you took a deep breath. A second later, your alarm went off, and you let out a groan.

"Time for school," you muttered, rolling out of bed and onto the floor lazily. You leisured through your morning routine, pulling on your uniform after showering and brushing your teeth. You double-checked your reflection, making sure everything was to your satisfaction, before pulling on your shoes, grabbing your backpack, and heading out the door.

Only to be greeted with another bump into someone.

"Hey—" you caught yourself, looking up to see Bakugo. His tired eyes practically glared at you, but he pushed you forward a bit for you two to walk to the school building together.

You walked in silence for a while, realizing this was one of the first times he's ever really done this. You stole another glance at him, but he caught you staring. Butterflies shocked your stomach and you looked away quickly.

"So . . . walking to school now, are we?" you chuckled awkwardly.

Bakugo huffed out a sigh. "Did you hear about Dunce Face and Headphones?" He asked, completely dodging your question.

You raised an eyebrow. "Huh? No, what—"

You were cut off by an "Aye, Kacchan!" and "Y/N! Over here!" You looked ahead to see your friends, Mina, Eijiro, Hanta, Denki, and Kyoka. You smiled, waving over to them excitedly. You did a double take towards Denki and Kyoka, your eyes bulging at the arm that the blond boy had around her. Your jaw dropped, and Mina giggled while Kyoka blushed. You hurried over to them, leaving your conversation with Bakugo.

"WHAAAAAT?!" You squealed, jumping up and down. "You're together? You're finally together?!"

Denki had a look of pride on his face, pulling Kyoka closer towards him. "Yep! I'm the luckiest man in the world!"

"Shut up," Kyoka mumbled, clearly embarrassed. She hid her face in his chest, to which everyone exclaimed "awwwwww!"

You turned back to Bakugo with a bright smile and a look that said, "Your plan worked!" But his face wasn't rejoicing with the rest of your group.

You were able to fully take in how tired and . . . defeated he really looked. He had dark circles tinting the skin under his eyes. He gazed around with half-lidded, crimson orbs. His posture was slouchier than usual, and his breaths seemed heavy. He glanced at you, and you quirked an eyebrow, as if to say "are you okay?"

He just looked away.

You frowned, wondering why he was so disappointed. His plan finally worked! Those weeks of fake dating weren't for nothing, after all! And now, you could . . . you could . . .


Your breath halted.

Now you could break up.

Your heart sank, deep, deep down into the pit of your stomach. Your mind clouded over with confusion. How? How could it end so quickly? How could you not want it to end?

How could you catch feelings for him?

You felt your eyes water, and you quickly excused yourself to the bathroom before anyone could see. Mina must have noticed because she quickly came after you. You hurried into the school building, maneuvering through the halls with Mina calling after you. You swiped at the tears coming out of your eyes, trying to compose yourself. Mina caught up to you before you could enter a bathroom.

"Y/N! Hey, please talk to me!" She tried, grabbing your shoulders. "I know exactly what you're thinking, and I'm so, so sorry. Kyoka only told me super late last night, and I figured you were already sleeping, so--"

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