Part Five

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"Perfect!" Mina exclaimed, clapping her hands. "We now have two plans of action!"

"Now we just have to figure out which one to choose . . ." Kirishima muttered.

"Hold on," you said with a confused look. "Our only options are either talking it out or doing this elaborate scheme to get them together without them knowing?!" You blinked as Mina nodded excitedly. "Please tell me we're talking it out."


"Who said you got to decide?" Bakugo grumbled.

"I mean, which one would you have chosen?" Kirishima asked him.

"Talking it out, obviously!" Bakugo replied. "I don't have time to waste on that elaborate scheme, anyway."

"Then why suggest it in the first place?" Mina asked, rolling her eyes. "We're doing the other plan, and that's that! It'll be fun, and we'll be helping Kyoka and Denki!"

"Don't I get a say in this?" You asked desperately. "In this plan, I have to pretend-date someone. What if I don't wanna do that?"

"It's for the sake of love, Y/N! Sacrifices must be made!" Mina told you.

You sighed. You had gotten yourself in this mess, and this is the way the others decided they could get you out. "So? Who am I 'dating?'"

Mina pointed to the angry blond on your right. "Katsuki Bakugo."

You scrambled away from him as you shouted in unison, "WHAT?"

"What do you mean, what? It's the best way to go!" Mina assured you. "Denki and Ei are too close for you to pretend-date him. If Denki found out Ei stole his shot at a relationship with you, that'd carry some serious damage in their friendship! Bakugo, on the other hand, does what he wants when he wants, and Denki doesn't try to get on his bad side. Once he sees you're off-limits, he'll realize how he feels for Kyoka again!"

"I get that, but I would never steal one of my . . . friends' love interests," Bakugo muttered. "I'm not that bad."

"Well, you're gonna have to be, bro," Kirishima said, walking over and placing a hand on his and your shoulders. "Please, guys?"

"This is a dumb idea," you said quietly. You looked over at Mina's hopeful eyes, Kirishima's reassuring smile, and Bakugo's scowl. "But . . . fine." You grabbed Bakugo's hand. "Congrats, you're my new boyfriend."

He held your hand with a death-grip and pulled you towards him so that your face was inches from him. "You can bet your ass that I'm gonna be the best fucking fake boyfriend you've ever had."

You glared, then smirked. "Bet, Boom Boom Boy." The tension between you two was . . . different than before. You couldn't pinpoint it, but it was getting you excited. It broke when Bakugo threw your hand back in your face and stood.

"All right, losers, I'm going to bed. Don't stay up super late or I'm killing you all in the morning," he said, walking towards Kirishima's door. He turned to you as he stepped out. "Night, babe." He smirked evilly.

"You only have to do that when we're around Kaminari and Jirou," you said, feeling your cheeks heat up at the nickname.

"I'm getting into character," he shrugged. He shut the door, the room quiet. Suddenly, Mina and Kirishima pounced on you.

"What was that?!" Mina squealed, grinning like an idiot.


"I didn't know you guys liked each other!" Kirishima said with wide eyes.

"What? No-no you have the wrong idea! We're just pretending, remember--"

"That tension was not pretend!" Mina said. "I think he likes you . . ."

"Probably," Kirishima agreed. "I'll have to ask him later."

"NO! We don't like each other!" You insisted, growing flustered. "I actually don't like him at all. I just tolerate him. You guys are too desperate for romance, I swear."

"We aren't being desperate, we're just telling the truth!" Mina giggled. "But fine stay in denial. I want a snack, I'll be back."

"Ooh, me too!" Kirishima said, hurrying after Mina. "Want anything, Y/N?"

"Uh, a water, I guess," you mumbled, your thoughts consuming you. The door shut and your heart raced.

What the hell were they talking about? Bakugo? Like you? No way. You didn't even like him. Why was this bothering you so much?

"Get out of my head," you growled. "This is just to help Kaminari and Jirou. Nothing more, nothing less. He's my pretend-boyfriend. That's it."

". . . Right?"

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