Part Three

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The big door with the number and letter 2-A loomed over you.

You gulped as Bakugo shoved open the door, excited voices and sunlight streaming into the hallway. Bakugo and the others entered the classroom before you, clearly thrilled to see their old friends.

"Tsu! Ochaco!" You heard Ashido squeal. You watched at the doorway as she reunited with a frog-like girl and a brunette with rosy cheeks. A taller girl who had been speaking to a rigid young man with glasses hurriedly excused herself to join them. A dual-colored boy spoke to Bakugo as he set up his desk. You recognized him as the Number One Hero's son, Shoto Todoroki.

"His quirk is incredible," you whispered to yourself, recalling his role in the Sports Festival as well.

"Oh, Todoroki? He's amazing!" A cheery voice said from behind you. You jumped and let out a small yelp. You turned to see a green-haired, freckled boy with a bright smile standing behind you. The back and sides of his hair were short and he kept the top long, letting the green, unruly curls do their own thing. He tilted his head to the side as he studied you. You felt nervous under his gaze. You couldn't deny that he was attractive.

"Are you a transfer student?!" He asked, leaning down and his eyes lighting up. You nodded shyly. "That's so cool!"

"Oi, Deku!" You heard Bakugo call from inside the classroom. The green-haired boy entered the classroom quietly, leaving you to peer in from the doorway. "Thought I heard your annoying voice," Bakugo muttered. Deku stopped right in front of Bakugo, the tension between the two boys immense enough to silence the whole room.

"Deku," Bakugo growled through clenched teeth.

"Kacchan," the boy responded stiffly. A few moments of silence passed by, heavy with anticipation. But suddenly . . .

The boys broke out into light laughter. Bakugo grabbed Deku, holding him against himself and ruffling his hair furiously. Deku laughed and squirmed.

"Kacchan, let me go!" he said writhing in the blond boy's grip. You noticed that the rest of the students seemed surprised at the interaction.

"They seem to be like . . . childhood friends again!" You heard the brunette say happily.

"They did go through a lot together last year," the frog-girl commented. "And Bakugo's been having some type of . . . character development."

Ashido laughed. "Character development? We aren't characters in a story, Tsu!"

Jirou nudged the brunette towards the boys. "Go get your mans, Uraraka," she giggled quietly. Uraraka's face burned bright pink.

"What?! He's not--I don't--not so loud please!" She covered her face to hide her embarrassment. You smiled to yourself, realizing she had a crush on the green-haired boy.

"Bakugo, please unhand Midoriya!" The rigid young man with glasses said loudly, doing an arm chop towards him.

"No way in hell!" He retorted. Somehow, Midoriya managed to get the upper hand and lock his elbow around Bakugo's neck. He laughed as Bakugo growled out curses, relentlessly ruffling his hair. You took in the positive energy of the room. You felt shy and out of place because you were new, but you also felt very at home with these new classmates of yours. There were some interesting students that you noticed. One with the head of a bird, one with a tail, another that seemed to sparkle, one with purple balls on his head--

"You must be our transfer student," You heard a deep, tired voice say behind you. You turned, expecting to see a tall, scary man looming over you. Instead, you looked down and saw a tired, homeless man in a yellow sleeping bag sucking on an applesauce pack looking up at you. You jumped back.

"Who are you?!" you asked loudly. You caught the attention of the students inside the classroom.

"Aizawa-Sensei!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Same entrance as last year!"

"Yay! He's our homeroom teacher again!" Ashido cheered. You watched the man who was supposedly your homeroom teacher step out of his sleeping bag. You looked at the goggles and scarf hanging around his neck and gasped.

"Eraserhead?!" You asked excitedly. "Eraserhead is gonna be my homeroom teacher?!"

"Who are you?" the frog-girl asked.

"Are you a new student?" the glasses guy inquired with a chop in your direction.

"I--yes!" You gave a quick bow and introduced yourself. "My name is F/N L/N! I'm a transfer student from America! It's a pleasure to meet you all!"

"Save introductions for inside the classroom," Aizawa told you before the rest of the students could get excited. "You're in seat sixteen, I believe."

You straightened. "Oh, right! Thank you, Sensei!" You scurried past the rest of your classmates, who were hurrying to their seats as well.

"Oi, looks like the dumbass is right in front of me, huh?" Bakugo said, slouching into his seat in the desk behind you. "Don't block my view with your stupid head, got it?"

"Maybe if you sat up straighter, your view wouldn't be blocked by my wonderful head," you said, sticking out your tongue before turning and sitting down. You heard Kirishima and Kaminari snickering behind you, causing you to smile to yourself.

Aizawa tiredly called the class to attention. "Good morning, students, and welcome to your second year at UA High School Hero Course, blah blah blah," he rolled his eyes. "Several of you in the class this year are the same as last year's students. However, we do have a transfer student here with us, so please make them feel welcome." He turned to you and beckoned you towards the front. "L/N, come tell us a bit about yourself."

You quickly stood from your desk and nervously faced the class. You took in the girls who were smiling sweetly, the boys who were excited for you and the new year, and then Katsuki Bakugo, staring out the window and clearly not caring about anything you had to say.

What a prick, you thought before smiling and introducing yourself again.

"In case you guys didn't hear me earlier, my name is F/N L/N! I'm a transfer student from a hero school in America, but I've been dreaming of going to UA for years! Uhm.." You turned to Aizawa, seeing if there was anything else you needed to say.

"Tell us about your quirk," he said.

"Oh! My quirk?" You glanced at Bakugo, recalling what he had said earlier about Aizawa wanting the new students to keep their quirks in the dark. You guessed that things had changed.

"My quirk is called Molecule!" You began. "I can alter the chemical properties of different gas molecules found in the air, and also control and change the properties of the air. Uh...Like this!" You outstretched your hands towards the students and blew a slight breeze towards them.

"Woah!" several of them marveled.

You giggled. "Or this!" You drew your hands to your sides and clenched your fists slowly. The air turned heavier, putting pressure on everyone's bodies in the classroom.

"That's incredible!" You heard Midoriya whisper, noticing him writing things down in a notebook after you turned the air back to normal.

"That's really it for introductions, I guess," You said with a shrug. "I don't wanna give away all my tricks, heh." Aizawa nodded, dismissing you back to your seat.

"Now, everyone, we'll go in order from seat one and briefly state your names, quirks, and what they do. Just so we can inform L/N a little bit more," Aizawa said tiredly.

You excitedly listened to the introductions, finally feeling a bit more comfortable in the classroom. There was definitely some competition that you could see, just based on their quirks. But you aimed for the top, and somehow, you'd get there.


Hey all! From here on out, i probably won't be doing authors notes at each chapter, just wanted to let you know! Hope you continue to enjoy the story. Vote and comment!

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