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"HUH?!" Eijiro exclaimed, stopping mid-punch and his eyes bulging. Mina was practically dancing around his room as you and Katsuki sat next to each other on Eijiro's bed. You were all meeting up after school in the same place this whole operation had begun--only, this time, it wouldn't end how you thought.

"Quit gaping at us like that," Katsuki grumbled, tightening his pinky around yours, his cheeks dusted pink.

You giggled, leaning against his shoulder. "I don't know how, but . . . I don't need to. We're officially dating. For real. No more of that pretending bullshit."

"Awww, you guys are so cute!" Mina cheered. "I knew you liked each other from day one!"

"I didn't even know then, so how the fu--" Katsuki started, but your laugh cut him off. God, he loved that laugh. He watched as you continued conversing excitedly with Mina and Eijiro. He watched your gorgeous eyes light up, and the enchanting smile you wore crinkled their corners.

You heard Katsuki sigh after a while, and he flopped back onto Eijiro's bed. You smiled to yourself as he still held onto your pinky.

"Oh, dude, it's like 8:40," Eijiro said to Katsuki. "Shouldn't you head to bed?"

Mina snickered. "Imagine going to bed before nine."

"Oh, hush," you told her, turning to run your fingers through Katsuki's hair, his eyes shut. You could do it so effortlessly without any hesitation now. "He's just a baby and needs his beauty sleep." His eyes shot open at that.

"Who are you calling a baby?" He grumbled sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Tch. I don't need to sleep at 8:30, I choose to. Dumbass."

"Well, then I guess you should head to bed then," you said, unphased. You kissed his cheek, grabbed his hand, and pulled him towards the door.

"You too?" Mina pouted.

You shook your head. "I'll be back, I'll just walk with him to his room to say goodnight."

"He's right next door, though--" Eijiro thought out loud.

"Maybe they wanna do a goodnight kiss in private oooh~" Mina teased. Your face flushed red.

"Shut up," you and Katsuki said in unison. You giggled at his pink cheeks and he pulled you out the door, shoving you in front of him and closing it behind him. You walked over a few steps to the front of his door and watched as he shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way over.

"Bunch of nuisances," he muttered.

"Oh, c'mon, Katsuki, they're just teasing," you laughed. "They are our friends after all. What else would they do?"

"Leave us alone maybe?" He said, opening his door and moving to step inside. You waited outside his room patiently for him to turn and give you a kiss, but instead, he kept walking. You heard him say a "aren't you coming, dumbass?" Your heart fluttered at his invitation, and you walked in happily. You'd never been inside his room before, but you wouldn't decline his invitation.

You looked around, smiling at the All Might posters on the wall as your feet sunk into the dark green rug on the floor. You glanced over at his desk and noticed tools and screws and different things underneath it, wondering if he used those for his independent gauntlet fix-ups. On the surface of his desk, you saw sketches surrounding his hero costume and other things that you didn't really know what was for. They kinda looked like clothes designs . . .

You saw bookshelves with textbooks and notebooks, and--

"Romance?!" You exclaimed in disbelief, rushing to his bookshelf and squatting down.

Falling in Love with Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now