Part Nine

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I angrily stomped down the hall and away from Y/N. Their stupid face with their stupidly adorable smirk and stupidly attractive lips saying "Make me" filled my head. I could've. I very easily could've made them. But I hated that I wouldn't. Because if I did, I probably--

"Aye, Kacchan!" An annoying voice cut through my thoughts. I curdled at the nickname, mainly because it wasn't the dumb Deku saying it.

"What the hell do you want, Dunce Face? And quit calling me 'Kacchan,' dammit," I growled.

"No need to be so mean," he said, feigning a pout. "Me and some of the guys were gonna play some Mario Kart, wanna join?" He leaned his head back towards the couches where I saw Kirishima, Sero, Deku, Todoroki, and Iida. I really didn't have anything better to do, and a distraction would keep me from thinking about . . . them.

"I guess," I shrugged. Kaminari cheered, telling the others that I'd join. "But prepare to get your asses beat!"

"Let's maintain good sportsmanship, everyone!" Iida tried.

"Say that again when you lose, Four Eyes," I sneered.

"Kacchan, be nice," Deku chuckled.

"Like hell, nerd."

We played a few rounds, and it proved to be a good distraction.


Iida clapped his hands together, standing abruptly. "Yes, of course. However, it is getting late, and we don't want to wake up the others who are trying to sleep with our noise--"

"Bro, it's, like, 8 o'clock," Sero deadpanned. 

"I mean, that is kinda late--" I muttered.

"We can't go on our separate ways just yet!" Kaminari announced, standing with his hands on his hips. I looked at the idiot, seeing his cheeks flushed and an abnormally goofy grin on his face. What was he going on about?

"I have an announcement to make!" He continued, causing me to groan and flop back onto the couch between Kirishima and Deku.

"What is it?" Sero asked.

He straightened. "Uhm, well, you see," he started saying, getting flustered as he tried to find the words. He fiddled with his fingers and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Goddammit, just spit it out," I said, growing impatient. He blinked, giving me a curt nod and beaming as he said:

"Jirou and I are dating!"


I sat in the darkness of my room, the moonlight shining through the curtains from the balcony casting eerie shadows. I hadn't bothered to turn on the lights. My mind was resonating with the darkness at the moment—God, why did I sound like that emo bird?

Kaminari and Jirou were finally together.

The plan had worked.

"Of course the plan fucking worked, it was my plan," I grumbled to myself. "But this wasn't part of the plan . . ."

I recalled Kaminari looking so proud of himself as he finished his announcement. Especially once the guys started congratulating him. Kirishima seemed especially excited, knowing that this meant the plan worked. Now we didn't have to deal with this mess anymore.

"Isn't this what you wanted, bro?" he had asked as we trudged back to our dorm rooms. He knew I was an early sleeper, so he tagged along to discuss the events that had just occurred.

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