Part Eight

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This was getting difficult.

It had almost been a month since this whole "pretend-dating" thing began.

Denki and Kyoka's progress was incredibly slow, but you all knew that forcing anything would result in tragedy. Mina and Eijiro seemed to be subconsciously pushing the two closer together, though, and Jirou was beginning to open up to you and Mina about her feelings for Denki.

"At least this dumb plan is . . . kinda working," you grumbled, hand-in-hand with Bakugo at a skating rink. You two were ahead of the others, and you smiled to yourself as you watched Denki struggle to stand up.

"Of course it's working. It's my plan," Bakugo huffed.

"Oh yeah? And what if it wasn't working?" You asked smugly, releasing his hand and crossing your arms. "Would it still be your plan, then?"

"Guess we'll never know, cuz it is working," he smirked. He skated on ahead of you, causing you to shout "Hey!" but he just continued forward, being a showoff.

You rolled your eyes as he flashed a smile your way, ignoring the intense butterflies in your stomach. "This needs to end soon, or else I don't know what I'll--"

"YYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNNN!" Mina called, crashing into you. You both fell onto the floor and broke into a fit of laughter.

"Mina, next time try to slow down!" You laughed, helping her up.

She took your hand and tried standing, but ended up pulling you down again.

"Owww," you said, rubbing your head.

Mina giggled. "I did slow down!" She insisted. "By crashing into you!"

"Y/N! Are you okay?" You looked up to see Bakugo skating towards you and Mina, with the others trailing behind him. He came to an impressive stop and bent down, reaching to help you up. You were kind of shocked, but accepted the help. Kirishima hoisted Mina up and back onto her feet.

"I-I'm okay, Katsuki, don't worry," you reassured him as he looked you up and down for some sort of injury. You couldn't tell if he was faking it to seem like a good boyfriend, or if this was genuine. You highly doubted it was--

"Thank God, I was worried you broke something," he sighed, suddenly pulling you into a hug. You froze. This wasn't like your other "hugs," if you could even call them that. Usually, it was just wrapping your arms around each other and just standing there for a second or two. But this . . .

This was him holding you.

This was him burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting out a shaky breath.

This was him caressing the little bruise you felt on the back of your head.

This was . . . too much for you.

He released you after a moment and cleared his throat, turning back to his normal, angry self.

"Watch where you're skating next time, dammit," Bakugo grumbled to Mina.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," she said lightheartedly. "Y/N's fine, there's no reason to worry about them!"

"I'll worry about them as much as I want, thank you very much," he muttered. He glanced at you, and you could've sworn you saw his cheeks turn pink. Your heart fluttered.

What was going on? His actions were definitely uncalled for. Were you imagining things? Maybe he had always been like this and these dumb feelings were just blinding you.

Wait. What feelings? You didn't have any feelings.

Why would you like a selfish, arrogant, angry boy like him? It's not like he had a stupidly handsome face, or ironically soft hair. His eyes didn't make you melt. Not one bit. Not the soft gazes he's been giving you lately making your heart flutter. No, sir, not you. The way the rough skin of his hands caresses yours when he holds them isn't nearly enough to make you fall for him.

Falling in Love with Katsuki BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now