Part Four

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The first week at UA has passed. The weekend is quickly approaching!

"I can't believe they made us do so much during the first week of school~" Kaminari groaned, rubbing a sore spot on his back as he trudged to the dorms with you. The two of you had to stay after class to clean up the classroom. You may or may not have had Kaminari pull a little prank on his friend, the perv, Mineta. You got caught, but it was worth it.

"Sorry for getting you in trouble, dude," you chuckled nervously, scratching the back of your neck.

"Don't worry about it!" He reassured you. "I pulled stuff like this all the time last year, heh."

"I'm not surprised." You began walking up the steps to the 2A dorm door.

"Oh, L/N, wait a sec!" Kaminari called, making you pause. He hurried up the steps towards you and smiled, blushing slightly. "Uh, getting to know you this week was fun! I know that, now that we're all becoming friends and hanging out with the others in our squad, things have been fun! But, uh . . . just us has been cool too!" His face reddened as he leaned over you slightly. You stared up at his handsome face. He was an adorable, attractive guy, and hanging out with him had been fun, but . . . you just weren't sure. You didn't know why, either. Maybe because you had still just met?

"So uh, I was wondering if we could hang out more often?" He asked quietly. He wasn't the shy type, as far as you knew, so this caught you off-guard.

"Oh, I . . . Kaminari, I think you're really cool, too!" You started, watching his face light up. "But, well, we still only met a week ago, and . . ."

"If you need more time to get to know me, I'll wait!" He blurted. "I'd like to get to know you more, too!"

You looked at the blond boy in surprise. He was usually such a flirt with everyone, but this interest he had in you seemed very genuine.

You smiled, realizing that there was no harm in trying.

"I'd like that too, Kaminari."


"YOU WHAT?!" Mina screeched in your dorm room. You had just told her the news of you and Kaminari potentially becoming an item. You thought she would be happy for you and excited. You and the pink girl had become close very quickly in the first week at UA, as had you and Kirishima. They were becoming your best friends if you were honest. But as you looked at Mina's face, she was very much not excited.

"Wh-what's wrong?" You asked, confused.

"Y/N, honey, listen," she said, grabbing your shoulders. "You and Denki cannot become a couple!"


"Because!" She paused, making sure everything was quiet and that no one was listening through the door. "Kyoka likes Denki! She has since the end of last year! She missed him a lot during break, especially because he was showing interest in her back!"

You stared at Mina with wide eyes. You crumpled to the floor, remembering his bright expressions whenever he spoke to you, and Jirou's hesitant ones as she would watch the interactions.

"Dammit! I'm such an idiot!" You groaned. It wouldn't be hard for you to move on, cuz there was minimal interest, but you didn't want to hurt him! But doing this would hurt Jirou, and you could tell that if they gave it a shot, she and Kaminari would make a great couple.

"What am I supposed to do?" You asked Mina, who helped you up.

"It's okay! We can fix this!" She said, pulling you towards the door.


She dragged you across the hallway. Your dorm room was across from Bakugo's, and his was next to Kirishima's, which is where she took you. She rapidly knocked on the door, waiting for a "come in!" before pushing open the door.

Kirishima was in front of his punching bag, his hands hardened and his skin gleaming with sweat. Bakugo was rapping his fingers on his knees, listening to music on Kirishima's bed.

"Oh, hey guys!" Kirishima greeted with a shark-tooth smile. "What's up?"

"We have an emergency," Mina said, closing the door as Bakugo took out one of his earbuds.

"Well if it isn't Racoon Eyes and the Leafblower," he smirked. You blew a harsh breeze in his face in response. His hair fluffed up for a moment, and you could see his forehead--a rare sight.

"Is anyone else in here with you guys?" Mina asked. The boys shook their heads, curious as to what you two needed. "Okay, so basically—" Mina proceeded to explain the situation to the boys. Bakugo facepalmed, shaking his head at you.

"Oh, you oblivious idiot," he grumbled. "How could you not see their chemistry?" You hung your head in embarrassment.

"I thought Denki liked Kyoka a lot . . . maybe being around you changed that?" Kirishima wondered. "I don't understand why, though.."

"I think I do," Mina sighed. "Kyoka hasn't made any moves whatsoever at all ever since coming back to school. She hasn't been making an effort to show her interest, either. She's too shy when it comes to that!"

"Someone not showing interest in him never shut down Pikachu's flirting," Bakugo reminded you all.

"True, but from what I understand," you chimed in, "if Kaminari really did like her, and he thought she did too, then maybe he didn't want to rush anything and push her away?"

"Going out with you would push her away," Kirishima told you.

You groaned. "Dammit." You flopped onto the bed next to Bakugo in frustration, covering your face. "We need a plan." You looked at Bakugo. "You aren't completely stupid—you come up with something!"

"Hey!" Mina and Kirishima said defensively. Then Kirishima added, "actually, they've got a point."

"I'm smarter than all you dumbasses," Bakugo scoffed, to which you rolled your eyes. "I didn't make this mess, though, so I don't see why I should get involved."

You sat up to look him straight in the eyes. "Bakugo, you already are involved! Please, help me fix this." He stared at you with a skeptical gaze, taking in your pleading expression, then looked away with a tch.

"Fine. I'll help, or whatever." He rolled his eyes as the three of you cheered. "But you owe me!"

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