Part Seven

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Cheers and hollers were heard around you as your lips crashed into Bakugo's. What the hell was he thinking?! You didn't have the courage to move, and you felt like you were trapped there forever when, in reality, it was only a couple of seconds. You couldn't comprehend what was happening until he released you. Your eyes met for a split second and your stomach erupted with butterflies as you realized what just happened. He didn't even smirk. He just said "I warned you," again and walked away towards the squad.

Mina rushed over to you and you watched as Kirishima and Sero playfully punched Bakugo's arms and slapped his back, as boys do. Kaminari and Jirou excitedly spoke to each other about what had just happened, clearly shocked.

"Y/N, what was that?" Mina asked you, grinning like an idiot.

"I . . ." Your heart plummeted. "I don't know. That wasn't . . . that wasn't real, I promise."

"Mhm, sure," Mina teased, hooking her elbow around your arm and pulling you to the cafeteria.

"No, Mina, I'm serious. This whole thing is just pretend," you said firmly. "No way would I ever want to date an arrogant asshole like him." You glared daggers into the back of Bakugo's head as he walked in front of you.

"Fine, fine," Mina sighed. "He isn't that bad, though. You're lucky you didn't first meet him last year! Boy, would you have despised him even more."

You caught her choice of words. "I-I wouldn't say I despise him, I just . . . don't like him. I guess."

"You really need to stop confusing yourself," Mina said, shaking her pretty pink curls at you. "Let's just see how this all plays out, hm?"

You looked at the blond ahead of you, your gaze a bit softer this time. "Okay . . ."


One week later

"KATSUKI, GIVE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" You shouted, chasing after the blond boy who was waving your phone around. You, Bakugo, and the rest of the squad had gone out for the day, since it was the weekend. Mina dragged Kirishima and Sero away to get ice cream for everyone, and you had been waiting with Bakugo, Denki, and Kyoka. That is, until Bakugo took your phone.

"Catch me if you can, baby," he called. "Maybe I'll give it back then." He smirked, leading you away from the others. Your heart fluttered and you couldn't help but smile at the nickname. You chased after him, using your quirk as a boost through the air.

You jumped onto his back and laughed triumphantly. "Gotcha!" You grabbed your phone out of his hand.

"Oh, do you?" He teased. Bakugo hooked his elbows under your knees and ran with you on his back, even further away from Denki and Kyoka.

"If you drop me, there will be a murder tonight!" You threatened. He laughed to himself, a sound you were growing fond of. It wasn't very often that you got to hear Bakugo laugh. Lately, things had been going well in this "relationship." Denki and Kyoka were definitely growing closer again. And . . . so were you and Bakugo.

Or so you thought.

Bakugo stopped abruptly, your giggles dying as he set you back down.

"That was fun," you told him, cheeks flushed. "But if you ever take my phone again, I'm--"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just took it to get you away from them," he interrupted, glancing in the direction of Denki and Kyoka.

Your heart stuttered and you felt your cheeks warm up. "R-really? Why? Did you want to be alone, or . . ."

Bakugo froze and gazed back at you. He was studying you, and it made you squirm. He leaned towards you and gripped your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes. You stared into the crimson orbs as they observed you, and you couldn't help but melt a little as you saw them. What was going on?

He suddenly released you and began laughing hysterically. You were brought back to the present, and your brows furrowed. "What?"

"You--you thought I brought you out here cuz I wanted to be alone?" He asked between laughs. "Hell no, dumbass. It was for them. They needed a chance alone. Why the hell would I wanna be alone with . . ." A small expression on your face caught his eyes. Even you didn't know what was showing. Anger? Sadness? What was there to be upset about?

This was all just pretend anyways.

"Oh, I get it," he said quietly, sighing and running a hand down his face. "You actually like--"

"No." You locked eyes with him. "I don't. None of this is real." You feigned a smile--a smirk, even. "How could I fall for someone in just a couple weeks, anyway? Especially you." You saw his steady expression falter at the last words.

"Huh?! I don't know what the hell you're on, but--"

"This isn't real, Katsuki," you interrupted. "That's what we agreed on, that's how it is. I'm not changing it." You looked away for a moment, hesitating before asking, "Are you?"

You could feel his eyes watching you in the silence.

"The others are probably wondering where we are. C'mon, dumbass," he grumbled, turning to walk back. You followed a few steps behind. When the others were within sight, Bakugo reached his hand back towards you, signaling for you to take it.

You slipped your hand in his reluctantly, hating the small butterflies you felt when he tightened his grip around it. You would never admit liking the rough callouses on his palms. You would never admit how protected you felt when he was holding your hand.

Because it was just pretend anyway.

You? Falling in love with Katsuki Bakugo?


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