Part Two

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The train cars were decently full, considering it was a bright and early morning and people had work and school to get to. You managed to find a seat, but kindly gave it up for an older woman who would've been stuck standing.

"Such a kind young one, you are," she said with a sweet smile. You returned the smile and grabbed onto one of the overhead holders, looking around the train car for a moment. There were quite a few students from different schools, based on their uniforms. But you didn't see anyone with a UA uniform like you. You took out your phone and scrolled through social media a bit as the train slowed to a stop.

You looked up at the map, realizing this wasn't your stop and stayed put as people filtered in and out of the train car.

"Bakubro, you can't just push people like that!" You heard a loud voice say. You giggled to yourself, keeping your head down as whoever was speaking got onto the train car and crossed in front of you.

"I can do whatever the hell I want, Shitty Hair," a rough voice responded.

The other boy chuckled to himself. "Still the same as ever, huh?"

"Shut up, I've changed a little!"

You heard them quiet down and took the opportunity to look up at them. You were shocked to see them in the same uniform as you. Classmates of UA, maybe?

One of them had spiky red hair with an undercut and slightly shaved sides, while the other had spiky blond hair—unruly and untamed, but controlled somehow. They were both very handsome. You noticed the red-head's spiky teeth when he smiled and spoke to the blond boy. The blond had tired, but amused crimson eyes as he spoke with his friend.

Your eyes lingered on the blond for a moment. You felt like there was something about him . . . something you should be able to recognize.

The red-head said something that triggered the blond to shout at him and lift his palm to his face. The red-head laughed, guarding himself with some type of hardening quirk from the blond's . . . explosions?

Your eyes widened and it clicked. "Hey! You're that guy!" You called out to him without thinking. The boys stopped what they were doing and looked over at you. The rest of the passengers also glanced up a bit. You blushed slightly in embarrassment but hurried over to the blond.

"You're the guy who won the Sports Festival at UA last year, right?" You asked him. He stared at you for a moment and blinked.

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Dude, be nice," the red-head scolded. He looked at your uniform before asking, "Are you attending UA?"

"Of course they are, dumbass," the blond scoffed before you could respond. "Isn't it obvious with their uniform?"

You tugged on your blazer and looked at the red-head. "It's my first year there, but I'm a second-year!"

"Cool! So are we!" The red-head responded, hooking his arm around his buddy. He didn't protest, but he didn't seem ecstatic about it either. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima, and this is my bro, Bakugo!"

"Katsuki Bakugo," he clarified with a tch. "But an extra like you probably already knew that if you could recognize me from the Sports Festival." He smirked.

"Hey, I'm no extra!" You defended. "My name is F/N L/N, and if anything, I'm the main character!" You crossed your arms and let out a puff of air.

"Yeah, right!" He laughed mockingly. The train pulled to a stop, and he and Kirishima grabbed their backpacks. "C'mon, losers, this is our stop."

"Maybe show a little more love, Bakubro?"

It took you a moment to realize he said losers and not loser. "Wait, you're letting me tag along?"

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