Part 4

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As nick opened the door to leave he saw a girl with blonde hair

Addison: Um who are you?

Nick: Uh shouldn't I be asking you that?

y/n: Nick? who is it

Addison : *she lightly pushes nick to run to and hug*

y/n: Oh Hi Addison

nick: oh well see you tomorrow I better go

y/n: k bye!

Addison: who is that anyway? I have never seen him.

y/n: oh that's nick, he rides the same subway to school

Addison: ooooo he pretty cute for you

y/n: stop lol (friendly way)

Addison: I am not lying tho so you seeing him tomorrow

y/n: yea I am heading to his place tomorrow, ill ask if you can come

Addison: omg thanks

Addison: I am sorry about chase..


y/n: its fines, * you explain to her everything that happened today*

Addison: he sucks a jerk!

Addison: it's so nice of nick not to hit him back if I was him I would push him out the subway.

y/n: yea let's not talk about chase...

Addison: oh yea sorry

y/n: no it's fine

Addison: ask nick if I can come along

y/n: Okie


-you call nick-

(nick): hey, what's up

(you): hi, um I was wondering if my friend Addison could over with us

(nick): yea sure my best friend would be there I forgot to tell you so its totally fine

(y/n): kk thanks bye

Addison: BYE!

(nick): hahaha k bye guys

-End of call-


y/n: we both will meet him at the other entrance of the school.

Addison: Okay, can I stay the night?

y/n: Ofc!


You and Addison talk for hours and then you both fall asleep.

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