Part 23

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you: well ima head home with addison you guys can come in later

The boys: Okay

Addison: k bye!

~You and Addison take the subway home and clean a little bit after 10 mins addison and you hear a door knock , Addison opens it and its Bryce after sometime you guys hear a knock bryce opens it and see's the boys.~

Bryce: hi guys

Nick , chase , Ryland : Hi!

They all come in and sit Bryce sits next to Addison , nick sits next to you

Nick: josh said he coudn't make it

Y/n: oh

Ryland: nick?

Nick: yes lets go

Bryce: he does have it lets go 

Addison: he has what?

Y/n: play station....

Addison: I-

nick: you got it! 

~ They all go own nick kisses you cheek before heading down ~

Addison: boys are so boring

y/n: yep..

(SORRYY ITS SHORT!!!!! yall give me ideas of DRAMA so i can do the drama and end it LOL cuz i am working on 3 stories rn and i am about to start my 4th one and i am not finish with none of them so help-)

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