Part 24

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After couple of hours the boys head out and you all went to bed the next day you wake up from a call coming from nicks phone you answer it because he was asleep 

Y/n: Hello

Ryland: Hi!

Y/n: Nicks asleep if is something important I can wake him up

Ryland: no it was chase and i are having a party at our place and wanted to invite you both and i called Bryce already so he's coming with Addison 

 Y/n: oh okay ill see ya then when is it?

Ryland: around 9 PM 

Y/n: okay bye , see ya

~End of call~

Nick wakes up and you tell him about the party ( Skip when you all go to the party I am so sorry I am lazy LOL~ ) You guys arrive chase lets you guys in and you guys sit on a couch when chase and Ryland joins in .

Y/n: - Wait a second I am getting a call - 

You go to a bedroom that was in an corner

Y/n: hello?


Y/n: Hello????

You end the call and turn around when you see ryland 

Y/n: uh um what are you doing here?

Ryland: i wanted to talk to you

Y/n: oh okay go ahead 

Ryland: I-i like you alot

Y/n: uh um that's sweet but sorry I love nick and I am dating him as you know and we are very happy together .

You try to go out when he grabs your wrist and turns you around and kisses you as you put your hands on his cheat to push him off when he has a stronger grip from the corner of your eye you see a figure that looked alot like nick you finally manage to pull him off when you see nick 

Y/n: Nick its not what it looked like

Nick: I- I thought you actully liked me....

Y/n: I DO trust me

Nick: well it didnt look like it 

Y/n: i- Well he kissed me!

 Nick: did you pull away!! NO you didnt 

Y/n: Well i tryed i coudnt he had a stronger grip

Ryland: Um you kissed me and told me you liked me


Nick: Thats enough i am leaving now

Y/n: ni-

Ryland: let him go

You slam the door shut and leave to go home when you arrive no one was home you go downstairs and see nick was not there but all of his stuff was you lay on his bed and cry your self to sleep (btw addison did not know and she went over to bryce's house after party) the next day addison comes in the house and tries to find you but can't when she looked in your room you were were not there she goes downstairs and and knocks on nicks door when she gets no answers she opens it and you were not there 

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