Part 12

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~ It the next morning and you decide to call Addison ~

y/n: Hi Addison

Addison: Hi

y/n: guess what!

Addison: what?

y/n: I have a date!!!!

Addison: OMG with nick?

y/n: mhm

Addison: I am coming over to help youget ready

y/n: okay be here at 2:00 PM

Addison: ill be what times the date?

y/n: it's at 4:00 today

Addison: okay ill bring you an outfit

y/n: okay!

( Skip to 2:00 pm)

Addison: knock at the door*

Y/n:  ~Opens the door~

Addison: Hi bestiee

y/n: hii

Addison: you excited?

y/n: yea

Addison : here go change into this 

y/n: thanks!

Addison: anytime

y/n: ( you go in the bathroom and change )

The outfit Addison gave you:

The outfit Addison gave you:

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Y/n: wow I like it!

Addison: you look so pretty

Addison ill be staying here okay and ill be waiting for you tell me what happens when you return!

y/n: kk 

~You hear a knock at the door~

Addison: Ill get it!

y/n: Okay

~Addison opens the door~

Addison: Hey

nick: Hello , um where is y/n?

Addison: Don't be so impatient

Y/n: ~ You walk to the door~

Y/n: Hi nick

Nick: Hi

*he smiles*

nick: ready to go?

y/n: yep

Addison okay bye , Have fun !

nick: we will

~Nick and you go to the car~

y/n: I see you borrowed your friend's car 

nick: yep until I get my car in a year I think but I still be traveling a lot in a subway

y/n: well that's nice

nick: um you look really nice *he blush's but you don't notice*

y/n: thank you , you don't look bad yourself

Nicks outfit: 

Nick: well thank you

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Nick: well thank you

y/n: where we going anyway?

Nick: you'll see

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