Part 14

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Note: uh i wrote this whole part it got deleted so I just skipped the start*


* skip when Bryce came and you all went toy our room*

Y/n: You staying the night?

Nick: Yes I am

Y/n: Come lay down you must be tired of bringing all the stuff today

Nick: Yea kinda am

~ Nick Places his hand on your cheek and kisses you ~

*You blush*

Nick: You look so cute when you blush

Y/n: Not as cute as you

Nick: No you

Y/n: You

Nick: You

Y/n: You

Nick: You

Y/n: fine

Nick: I always win

~ You and nick cuddle and fall asleep~

It's 9 Am and you wake up seeing nick sleeping your on your phone and nicks still sleeping while cuddling you , you lightly shake him to wake up

Y/n: nick?

y/n: nickyyy

y/n: nicky bear

Y/n: Nick

Nick: Yess princess *yawns*

y/n: Good morning

Nick: Good morning to you too

Nick: Wanna go get ice cream in a subway today?

y/n: ofcoarse

Nick: okay go get changed

You go and get changed and this is the outfit you wear

You go and get changed and this is the outfit you wear

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And nick wears this ( he has some of his cloths at our place)

And nick wears this ( he has some of his cloths at our place)

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Nick: Wow you look good

Y/n: Thank you

You and nick hold hands and walk to the station and wait for 5 minutes then the subway arrives and you guys you both cuddle like this:

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