Part 8

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Addison and you : We are ready!!!

Nick: cool lets go now

Addison: okie


Nick : I borrowed josh's car

y/n : nice

Addison: I call backseat

y/n: I also call backseat

Nick: yea no, I am gonna look like a driver

Addison: well i am not sitting with you in the front

y/n: Addison just sit with him he doesn't bite

nick: y/n why don't you sit? I don't bite

Addison:  definitely he doesn't BITE

y/n: fine

~You sit in the front~

y/n: were we going anyway?

nick: idk

Addison: uh 

y/n: this is akward..

nick: oOO I know a place

Addison: lets go then

y/n: how far is it?

nick: not that far

~after 30 min~

nick: here we are!

y/n and Addison : WOW!

nick: i knew you guy will like it here

The place your at: (you bought food with you guys)

The place your at: (you bought food with you guys)

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you guys sit~

Addison: This is pretty cool

y/n: I know right 

Addison : I am definitely bringing Bryce over here

y/n and nick : Who is Bryce?!

Addison : I- uh 

y/n: addi you never told me bout him :(

Addison : I am sorry! he told me not to tell anyone

y/n: I guess its fine

Addison: its so sad seeing you lonely and single

y/n: ha don't worry

Addison: nick?

nick: what? 

Addison: since your single and I  guess Kinda cool why don't you date y/n

you and nick : yea no

Addison: I know you like her nick

y/n: oop- I don't think so

nick: yea no

Addison: yes you do so do you y/n

y/n: no I don't...

Addison: then why did you punch kaylie?

y/n: she was talking a about yo-

Addison: NO! cuz she was talking about nick cuz she didn't even mention me when you punched her it was you who used to describe me and nick but it was mainly for nick.

nick: uh really?

y/n: yea no I am out you all can come if you guys like

~you leave to go in the car~

Addison: NICK PLEASE!!! tell me

nick: Okay fine , Yes I do 


nick: omg lower your voice she's gonna hear

Addison: oh sorry

Addison : you should ask her for the dance next week

nick: okay I will

Addison: yay! 

~ They Hug ~

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