Part 25

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....................................She get's really worried when she saw you were no where to be in the house she calls nick he doesn;t answer she calls you about 25 times but you don't answer she leaves 10 text messages still no answers she starts to cry and she calls bryce he comes over and he calls nick when he picks up the call when he was called the 15th time

Nick: What?

Bryce: Where are you?

Nick: at josh's house why?

Bryce: is y/n there?

Nick: No she is not shes probably at chases house making out with ryland 

Bryce: No she's not okay and who told you that?

Nick: uhg i caught her cheating on me! when i loved her! and she returned it like that

Bryce: you idiot she is not like that i know her well shes like a sister to me

Nick: I- well then go check there house i left her there

Bryce: Wow and you aren't going to help ?

Nick: fine ill come she's probably there

After and hour nick arrives to your your guys house and with bryce he goes to ryland and chases house chase opens the door

Chase: hi guys!

Bryce: Where is y/n?

Chase: how am i spoused to know?

Nick: Because i left her here

Chase: she went after you how are we spoused to know 

Nick: she went after m-me?

Chase: yea 

Bryce: Where is ryland?

Chase: uh sleeping?

 Nick: did he tell you somthing about last night

Chase: uh yea but i can't speak about it

bryce: Call him out here

Chase: he is sleeping

Nick pushs him and goes in and bryce comes in

Chase: you can't just welcome your selfs in!

Nick: ryland!

Ry: What !

Bryce: where is y/n?

Ryland: I- how am i spoused to know 

Bryce: lets just go 

Nick: k

They both go out and sit in there car

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