Part 5

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 The next morning you and Addison get up


Addison: Good morning y/n

y/n: good morning Addison

Addison: can I borrow your clothes I forgot to bringsome of mine

y/n: yea sure 

Addison's outfit:

Addison's outfit:

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Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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You and Addison go to the station and sit in the subway


nick: Hi guys!

Addison and you: Hi

nick: did you stay over Addison?

Addison: yes

-You all talk for some time-


~ You, nick, and Addison get out of the subway~


Nick: so see you guys after school

you: k bye nick

nick: bye y/n *he smiles*

Addison: rude much

nick: oh sorry bye

y/n: lol

~ You and Addison go in class ~

Kaylie: Look whos here the weirdo and her weird friend

y/n: go away Kaylie

Addison: Kaylie just go away

Kaylie: I heard chase cheated on you aw isn't that sad

he probably didn't even like you

y/n: Shut up I don't care to about him

Addison: can you not see she doesn't care about him

Kaylie: oh I think she would care if I told her he cheated on her with me.

y/n: oh wow that's an amazing toxic couple, isn't it?

Addison: HAHAHA

Kaylie: What's so funny you brat!

Kaylie: chase told me you are also a cheater you went with a random guy as soon as you all broke up haha he probably pretending to like you too or he's also ugly he couldn't find someone he's such a weirdo I can tell just by hearing chase.

y/n: *you tackle her to the ground and punch her right in her face*

Addison: Y/n please get off her

y/n: Kaylie don't you ever talk about nick or Addison if you're done

Kaylie: your gonna regret this see you today later after schoolshow off your skills if you like cuz I will never stop talking about the videos crazy friends.

y/n: Bet see you

Addison: don't tell me you're actually gonna fight her

y/n: well if she does then ill go ahead idc she can't talk about my friends.

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