Part 6

375 7 3

~Skip to the end of school~

you and Addison are laughing when you get pushed from the back and you fall to the ground



Addison: OMG Y/N!!

y/n: ha look whos here Kaylie and her fakies

Kaylie: guys don't let her go till one of her bone isn't broken

(Kaylie's friend Olivia and Ava hold you down)

y/n: well that isn't fair


Kaylie: how about NO!

(Kaylie and her friends start beating you up)


Nicks pov:

I was waiting for y/n and Addison to come

to the door, I told my best friend josh to go get

his car he was waiting in the car while was waiting outside

then I saw Addison running over to me crying


No one pov:

Nick: Addison are you okay?

Addison: Y/n

nick: wait what happen?

Addison: shes is in a fight with some girls

nick: wait WHAT!?

Addison: yea cuz sum girls were talking bout you and me and she got mad.

Nick: Show me where they are


Nick and Addison come back when they see no one around just you on the ground passed out and you bleeding


Nick: OMG! *nick picks up* follow me

Addison: o-okay

nick runs to josh's car -

(nick sits with you in the back and Addison sits in the front)

Josh: What happened?

nick: hurry and drive to the hospital

josh: *starts to drive*

(Addison explains the whole situations)

josh: k get her out

(nick carries you in)


after few hours you wake up

~You slowly open your eyes and see nick he was sleeping on the chair~


y/n: nick?

nick: omg you're awake

nick: how are you feeling? Are you okay? are you hurting?

y/n: nick I am fine

nick: YOU SCARED ME *as a tear drops from his eye*

y/n: okay? I am sorry

nick: why did you hurt them it is fine if they called us stuff

y/n: well I can't ignore it

nick: well you better, after this we are going to your house with Addison.

*Addison walks in*

Addison: y/n you scared me

y/n: sorry


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