chapter 2ಥ_ಥ

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but not possibly he could actually go to him without dying from him...would he actually go to him?..
no way he can-

"JEONGIN HELP ME PLEASEE"here he ran through out the walls,running as if zombies are following him.he searched corner to corner,looking for his only escape till he found him on the phone"JEONGIN PLEASE HELP ME"hyunjin quickly ran behind jeongin,looking at the 'fans' that followed after him but some of them had cut off as soon as they say jeongin.

"you're such a coward hyunjin.."jeongin quickly hung up his phone but nobody was seen following him,in fact they all pretended to do something or ran away."that was an important phone call hyunjin,now im gonna be in trouble because of you"jeongin looked kind of sad,but quickly changed his face before hyunjin worried

"thank you..are you okay?"hyunjin stood up,reaching down to touch jeongins face but jeongin pushed it away

"you can go now that they are gone hyunjin."jeongin looked away,shoving hyunjin away

"you can always talk to me if you need to.."hyunjin placed a hand on his shoulder,hesitating for a second.

"look I'm completely fine hwang hyunjin,just leave me alone"jeongin moved his shoulders around,dropping his hand.hyunjin didn't want to get beaten by the tempered kid so he quickly left him alone.hyunjin continued the day normally except the such tempered boy was stuck in his head for very long,he'd wondered if he was being too annoying to jeongin that hes starting to impact on him.oh no!no way...he would've told hyunjin though?aish...jeongin on the other hand was doing his leftover homework he didn't finish from yesterday after all there was no silence in his house to focus on anything.the last bell rang,signaling every teen to get out of the hell hole that was created.the day ended will yelling bouncing off of jeongins walls,while hyunjin slept in such peace.

It was a peaceful day for hyunjin,no 'fans' were seen in sight.jeongin was given attention from the one and only hyunjin.since jeongin doesn't get much attention at home,he actually enjoyed the attention he got from hyunjin but he didn't admit it.this past week was the same each day,until..

"there will be camp next friday with the other classes,you get to pick your roommates in this class"hyunjin quickly looked towards jeongin who was laying his head down on his desk.hyunjin walked towards him but a bunch of girls stopped him

"oppa,let's be roommates~"

"he'd definitely room with me you whore!"

"I bet I will be able to fuc-"

"girls!you cannot room with the opposite gender,also only 6 people in a cabin"the teacher pointed a ruler to the girls that rolled there eyes but moved away from hyunjin.hyunjin walked to jeongin,sitting by him,moving his hair that covered his eyes.jeongin softly pushed his hand away,smiling

"hyunjin-ah..stopp"jeongin moved his face down a bit

"would you be my-"

"hyunjin were rooming right?"chan,felix,and minho walked up to him,laughing with each other

"yea,and jeongin will join.right jeongin?"hyunjin looked to jeongin who raised his head up in a rush,stretching his arms,catching his vision back

"yea only if my other friend can come"jeongin yawned,not really caring which is probably because he just woke up.maybe...

"han?oh i love that man-"minho made a confession😗

"no way...han likes you too!"jeongin turned to look at minho who got scared thinking he was gonna get yelled at

"no way...there's no way"minho widen his eyes while jeongin nodded

"hold on lemme go get him"jeongin got up from his seat,walking over to jisung who was on his phone doing who knows what"hannie,hyunjin asked me to stay in a cabin with him.and I told minho you like him.."jeongin rubbed the back of his head as han was still progressing what jeongin said.he suddenly got huge eyes,turning his head quickly to jeongin who looked back at him

"you told him!?"han yelled to jeongin,jeongin quickly put a finger over his mouth signaling him to shut up

"hey good news is that know what why don't you talk to him!?"jeongin grabbed jisung's hand,trying to pull him up from his chair

"what good news!?tell me!"jisung tried pulling his hands back but the tempered fox pulled him up,dragging him to his seat"are you okay?"jisung slapped jeongins eyes who looked to his with a glare which jisung quickly stopped"there you go.."

"that'd make 6 right?"chan rested his hand on minho's shoulder who kept staring at jisung,smirking

"mhm.."jeongin was starting to become his usual temper attitude,after all he has to gain his shit again

"you guys have 2 minutes to group up then we can leave"the teacher spoke out,grabbing attention from everyone to the teacher who couldn't really care about them.jeongin pushed hyunjin who sat in his chair onto the floor,sitting down to sleep..again..


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