Part 4

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AN- okay, part 4.  Again, I have no beta, all mistakes are my own and the devil dyslexia.

WARNING: self harm attempted suicide.

Chapter 4

The night had gathered in slowly around the Avengers as they watched the young girl cower behind the bed in the open cell. She had dragged Bruce's shirt over her head and brought is over her knees as she sat. Tony had brough her food, sliced cooked meat and a few boiled potatoes. Bruce had suggested something easy in case her stomach wasn't used to much.

She had wolfed it down, all the time, not taking her eyes of any of them. She was shaking, visibly, not from cold, fear possibly, they weren't sure.

As the night wore on they agreed to watch her in shifts. Bucky not included, he was taken off to the med bay for stitches, Clint was still laughing about the whole incident as he helped him out the room.

Natasha had gone off to bed, Steve went to check on Bucky and Tony said goodnight to Bruce who had agreed to watch her first.

The back round room of the compound was now quiet, dark almost, only the slightest hint of morning creeping in through the windows. It was around five am, Bruce was fast asleep in his chair, feet up on the desk, head tipped back, mouth open and full-on snoring. Something was tapping him on the forehead. Tap, tap, tap...

Bruce opened his eyes to see Tony starring down at him, tapping him on the forehead with his trademark square glasses. "Morning sleepyhead."

"Hey Tony." Bruce righted himself in the chair and yawned "I musta fallen asleep."

"Ya think. One question Bruce, if you're up for questions this early on," he gestured with his glasses to the round room raising his eyebrows "where's the girl?"

"What?!" Bruce spun to the room and crouched on the floor looking under the bed. "Oh God! Tony I..." they both stopped moving as the door to the adjacent bathroom cracked open a little. Tony leant his body backwards to get a better look.

She peered out into the room. They starred at her as she moved into the space. Keeping hold of the bottom of Bruce's shirt, tugging it down, even though it reached her knees. Her breathing was quick, ragged with fear. Her eyes flipped to the bathroom and then back to them, they hadn't moved an inch. "I needed, know...I..." she gestured to Bruce with her head "he was asleep, so...where am i?"

Bruce smiled at her, "It's ok. You can move around freely, you're not a prisoner here."

He took a step towards her and her hands flung out in front of her and she crouched slightly, panic in her eyes. "NO!" Bruce stopped. "Please, PLEASE, no, don't..." her breathing was so harsh coming in big gulps in her chest her body tense.

Tony moved slightly as well. "We're not going to hurt you, no one is going to..."
"FUCK OFF!" Her voice was harsh and scarred at the same time, her hands almost pushing at the air towards them to get them away from her. "YOU think I'm worried about you hurting me? Jesus!" Tony noticed her accent was English, London maybe, she still had her hands out in front of her begging them not to come any closer.

Hearing the commotion, Steve appeared in the doorway dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, no shoes his bare feet slapping on the floor, Bucky was close behind him in similar attire, his hair mussed up from sleep.

The girl put one hand in their direction. "BACK OFF!" her eyes flitted from Bucky to Steve and then back to Bucky, scanning him up and down. His eyebrows furrowed, was she checking him for weapons? "Please don't come any closer!"

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