Part 6

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AN:  once again, all mistake are my own and the devil we call dyslexia Xx

Chapter 6

Monday and Tuesday of that week came and went without incident or any change to normality, Emma ventured to the gym on Wednesday morning, she just watched Nat run on a treadmill, about 20 minutes in Nat laughed at her. "Instead of just watching me die here, why don't you run too!" Her reply was breathy, her cropped red hair sticking to the back of her neck with sweat. Emma was barefoot again and in her regular leggings and hoodie.

She shrugged "Ok, but I've no idea how to use that thing." Nat got off of her treadmill and helped Emma to set up the one next to it. She pulled off her hoodie and began to run next to Nat. Nat laughed at her running barefoot.

"Why don't you wear shoes, I gave you like three pairs"

"I don't like the feeling of my feet in anything, it's odd and my feet seem pretty tough so I don't think it's something I've ever done." She had thought about it a lot, the skin on the bottoms of her feet was tough and thick. She guessed that she had never really worn shoes. It's what felt right to her, so she stuck with it. The running way easy to her and they kept up a reasonable jogging pace and light chat as they ran. Nat asked her about helping her to online shop, she didn't want shoes, but there were other things she'd like, neither women noticed the two men watching them from the hallway through the big glass walls.

"Damn that's a sight." Bucky chuckled as he watched Emmas powerful shorter legs pound the treadmill, her bare feet looking strong and cute at the same time. He loved her small, toned almost stocky build, that was 100% pure feminine, but he liked how you could see the power in her.

"If you like looking at Romanoff so much why don't you do something about it?" Steve smirked at him and Bucky scoffed at him.

"We both know I'm not talking about Romanoff Steve." He licked his lips as his eyes trailed down the back of her neck, across her back and down to her backside which was like a dancers, pert.

"Buck, she..."

"I know, I see you two.."

Steve cut him off and turned to him "No, I am not going there Bucky. I care about her, I really care about her, but, I don't feel like I romantically care..."he watched for a beat or two. "I mean, I haven't thought about it, not really."

"Really?" He frowned at his friend, knowing that she was his type as well as his own. "So, your not looking to..."

Steve cut him off again. "I'm not looking to anything Buck. And neither should you be, she's just a kid. She deserves a normal life after everything." His thoughts now wandered what that might be like, giving her a normal life, could he even do normal with bring Captain America as well.

"Have you told her that?" Steve looked at him confused.

Turning to him, Steve crossed his arms over his chest. "What? Why?"

Bucky laughed at him. "You still have no clue about women do you buddy! She is with you all the time, she looks at you with those grey doe eyes, with, I dunno, aww and not to mention how she smiles every time you lay a finger on her." He looked back to the gym, watching her again. "She likes you Steve, like, likes you likes you. Say something or do something about it bud." With that Bucky walked off towards the main kitchen area. He didn't want to think about how Emma looked at Steve anymore, he could tell she was smitten with him.

Steve called after Bucky, "I know about women." He jogged to catch him up. "I'm 90, not dead!"

"Sure you do pal. I gotta run out later, but we still doing movie night?"

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