Part 10

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AN:  no beta all mistakes are my own.  i don't own the Avengers obviously...and the beast is based on Lovecraft County, which i don't own either.  ENJOY and be kind Xx


Nat sat on the edge of Emma's bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom, Maria had left them at the door and gone back down to the rest of the team. Emma exited the bathroom in a white strapy vest top and black jeans. Her face was puffy, and it was obvious that she had been crying. "Hey, don't worry, no one saw anything."

Emma shook her head. "Everyone saw me turn into, into...that. That's the first time Nat, the first time I did it on purpose." She sat next to her on the bed. "I don't know what to make of it, if felt good to be able to do it, but not good to end up naked, good that I was able to be a little more in control, if it's actually control and then, oh my god, everyone saw me naked!" It all came out in a rush.

Nat grinned and pointed out the obvious. "It's technically not the first time!" Emma huffed in the realisation that Nat was completely right, most of them had seen her naked before. "Emma, you controlled it, that's what you should focus on."

"It was more like instinct than control, I'm still on the fence as to whether I have any control over the dodgy she-beast in my head." She chuckled and sighed. She really hoped that she could eventually control it, that she could be safe around the others and maybe move forward with her life a little.

"How are the cuts?" she had got away with only a couple of cuts on one of her feet from the glass, she had put several plasters on them in the bathroom.

"Fine, they will heal completely in an hour or so."

"Won't the, er, dog, heal them?" she had heard Bruce say before that the animal healed her instantly before.

"Only once it's out. I still heal fast, honestly it's fine."

"Okay, good. So, ...are you going to tell me what happened earlier?"

She looked at her and her face fell taking a deep breath in and blowing it out puffing her cheeks. "So, I may have caught Bucky having sex with someone upstairs during the party."

Nat opened her mouth and laughed. "Oh my god! Who was she?"

"Rose someone, I don't know, I haven't seen her here before."

"Redhead?" Emma nodded. "I think I know her, vaguely. So, you caught him and then..."

"And, he hit the fucking roof." She got up and paced in front of Nat, trying to process all of the emotions that were coursing through her. "I mean I don't blame him; I did kinda look, but for fucks sake it wasn't like he was quiet about it or even subtle you know." She still felt a pang of jealousy at what she had seen and the fact that she wanted to feel him against her in that way, she knew that now. The way his hand gripped her hip in the same place that he had held onto her in her bedroom the night before, the way he had smirked against the woman's skin as he fucked her over the sink, the kissing...she kept thinking about the open mouthed kisses he had lavished the woman with. On her lips, her throat.

"Okay, so what did he say?"

She scoffed. "Stuff." She looked down embarrassed.

"Stuff...what stuff Emma?" Emma paused with her hands on her hips, mortified when she went over in her mind all that he had said to her. Her cheeks blushed furiously at how he had leant into her body, how he had breathed the same air as her he had been so close and the way his intense eyes had dragged up and down her body. "Emma?"

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