Part 2

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Chapter 2


"Language!" Shouts Steve over the rev of the powerful motorcycle underneath him. "Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?"

The computer who serves Ironman reply's in his British perfect tone. "The Central Building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken."

The outside of the Hydra compound was in chaos, men everywhere in winter stealth uniforms attacking on all fronts. Or as they see it, defending on all fronts.

"Romanoff, can you see a way in?" the Winter Soldier swerves the military vehicle he is driving into a group of four Hydra agents and knocks them into the nearby bushes.

"I'm a little busy here. Come on boys why is this taking so long?" two soldiers collapse under her electrode tags and she takes on the third hand-to-hand, quickly dispatching him with a swift reverse roundhouse kick. Looking up she sees Ironman flying through the air, shooting snipers as he goes.

"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?" his chuckle sounds over the coms.

"I know." Cap angles his bike up to an oncoming jeep, flips his bodyweight over the handlebars and throws the bike into the jeep, causing it tip out its occupants and explode. He sighs, "It just slipped out."

Jarvis is once again heard over coms. "Sir, the city is taking fire. This level of defence is concerning Sir, it begs the question what is it they are trying to keep us from, possible more than just the sceptre from Loki."

"Good question Jarvis. Let's find out." He fly's in close and takes out another anti-aircraft gun. "Cap you take the steps, Romanoff, Barnes follow up behind him, I'll keep them busy in the air. Barton find Hulk and keep smashing things...."

Romanoff is over the coms interrupting him. "Clint's taken a hit, it's pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need and evac."

Thor answers. "I can get Barton to the jet, the sooner we're gone the better, Stark you and the Captain go after the sceptre and whatever else they are hiding in there."

"Good plan. Stark did you hear?"

"Yeah Cap, on it. We have enhanced's in the field people stay awake."

"Copy that."

Thor spins his hammer and takes off. "Find that sceptre." Steve nods to the ends of his cape as it goes out of sight.

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" the sarcasm in Stark's voice is thick.

Cap sighs and shakes his head, "That's not going away any time soon."

"Haha Steve, you gotta loosen up pal." Bucky is taking the outer stairs of the compound two at a time shooting assailants at every angle.

"Shut up Bucky."

Bucky and Stark make it into the centre compound at the same time, Bucky through the door and Stark through the window. Together the secure the room. Bucky nods at Stark and heads out to secure the adjacent rooms. After much shouting and some screaming his voice comes over coms. "Clear."

Stark rolls his eyes, "God what took you so long."

"Bite me Stark."

"I would, but metal tastes so cheap these days."

"Will you two quit it."

"Why Steve? I did not say a bad word about Soldier boy. And by bad word I reframed from calling his a di..."

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