Part 11

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an:  all mistakes are my own, please be kind

Chapter 11

Steve waited for her to be out of sight before he spoke to Bucky and by this time all of the team were in the room, looking at Bucky and obviously wondering what was going on. "What the hell Buck?"

"Leave it Steve." He said it quietly, but his voice was still laced with undissipated anger, he paced, made a small step in the direct Emma had gone and then thought better of it, starting to pace around again.

"No Buck, I can't, what the hell was that?!"

Bucky turned to him and sighed. "She caught me with Rose. Like, 'with her', with her."

Maria made a shocked face and Clint wolfwhistled in the background.

Steve nodded. "Yeah I got that. What about the rest, you in her room?"

Bucky huffed and looked around at everyone in the room. Tony crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows at him, Nat and Sam still held smiles "Can we do this somewhere else?"

Tony stepped forward and gestured to the whole room. "Sorry 'pal'." He mock used the 'pal' towards him. "This is my roof, your under it, so I need to know why you are going into peoples bedrooms at 3 in the morning? I mean are you malfunctioning in some creepy Norman Bates kinda way?!"

"It is not like that. It wasn't...Jesus, Steve, it wasn't like that!"

Sam wagged a finger at Tony. "I think you got your movies mixed up. Your thinking Twilight, he watched her sleep, creepy man, like messed up shit he's loosing his mind kinda creepy."

Bucky shot him a glare. "You're not helping!"

"I know." Sam smiled back at him, giving a little chuckle that was mirrored by Nat and Maria who stood behind the couch.

Steve said nothing, and leant against the edge of the bar, arms crossed over his chest and nodded at Bucky indicating he should just talk.

Bucky sat down on the end of opposite couch and ran his hands through his hair looking at the floor. "Er, so, I went to her room last night when you guys got back, to let her know. I woke her up, made her jump or whatever, she rolled us...". He chuckled, "easily actually and she choked me, once she realised it was me she let go but by that time she was on top of me you know..." he shrugged at Steve, like he should totally know what he was talking about. "And she just felt so damn good in my lap, I was so close her lips..."

"Buck for gods..." Steve sighed and looked at his feet.

"No Steve! Don' give me the fucking lecture okay," he got to his feet to look at his friend. "I didn't do anything. I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to roll her over and..."

"We don't need the details or any of this, don't we have enough teenage angst going on with Bruce already!?" 

"Hey!" Bruce frowned as Tony shot a smirk his way and then to Nat who simply rolled her eyes.

"Steve, I'm sorry, I know you like her too." Both men stared at each other for a moment. "You do, don't you?" Steve broke his eyes away first. "She lets you touch her; she likes it. This afternoon she yelped at my touch,...yelped Steve, and actually fucking yelp. You any idea what that felt like? That tells me all I need to know." he flopped down onto the couch, dejected. 

Sam chuckled again.  "At least we know she's not malfunctioning."

"Shut up bird-brain!" He sighed heavily and shook his head. "Look, I didn't do anything. She caught me with Rose, we argued I was mean to her, like really fucking mean and now she hates me. Not that she liked me much in the first place. got a free shot."

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