Part 15

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AN: all mistakes are my own.  

Chapter 15

Bucky woke with a cough, or more of a splutter and Steve was there in seconds, helping him to lean on his good side and sit up a little. "Ok pal, it's ok, just breath I got ya." Steve moved a pillow to make Bucky more comfortable, he looked around the room realising he was in a hospital bed in the medical centre. A drip was in his arm, his throat and ribs killed, he wasn't able to fully see out of his left eye and there was still dried blood in his short hair. Everything hurt, his whole body, even down his thighs and calves ached for some reason.

"Steve?" His voice was rough and low, it hurt to get the words out making him raspy and swallow hard at the effort.

"Yeah, I'm here buddy."

"Where is she, she ...she ok?" He made a pained face at the effort of moving and talking and also breathing, but all he could think of was her.

Steve shook his head knowing that this would be the first thing Bucky would ask. "She's ok, let's worry about you for now."

Bucky grumbled and pulled the covers back, trying to swing a leg over the edge and push his way past Steve, a hand weakly in his chest unable to move him. "No, I gotta see her..."

Steve tried to push him back down. "Buck I swear if you try and get up outta this bed, I'm gonna knock you back out myself!" He turned and went to the door, leaning round it and shouting. "SAM!" Sam came rushing into the room, skidding the last part on the smooth floor and smiled when he saw Bucky awake. "Help me get him back in the bed." They manhandled him between them and got him settled against his pillows again.

Bucky coughed again, breathing heavy at the effort he had exerted trying to get up and Steve helped him to drink a little water from a paper cup. "Fuck Steve please I need to..."

"Man, you really are a glutton for punishment aren't you?" Sam had his hands on his hips glowering at him. "Dude you've been out for two days. Nearly every rib you have is either fractured or broken, you've had brain swelling, internal bleeding, ocular haemorrhages, your windpipe was almost crushed and you most likely got a massive concussion, so for god sake will you stand down."

"Sam's right pal, you're a mess."

He grimaced. "But Emma..." Steve and Sam exchanged a look which he caught. "What? Tell me dammit!"

Steve sighed. "She is still in beast form, but she's ok, or it seems ok, we think."

Bucky shook his head. "I don't get it why hasn't she changed back? I broke her wrist cos I knew it would come out, but, I, I didn't want to hurt her..." His expression was a mix of pleading and panic. "She's gotta know that right?" He looked between Sam and Steve, hoping that they understood as well. "Steve she didn't mean it, it wasn't her..." he was cut off by more coughing.

Sam cut in. "We know man, I saw the dead-ass look in her eyes, that wasn't your girl."

Bucky looked at him properly for the first time and noticed the fading bruises on his forehead and the stiffness in the way he carried his arm. "You ok?"

He smiled cockily. "I got off light compared to the ass kicking you got."

"Everyone else?" Sam nodded and he looked back to Steve. "I need to see her."

"I know Buck, just not right now."

Bucky looked as though he was going to breakdown. "Are you keeping me from her?"

Sam made an 'o' face and look at the floor, Steve shook his head and frowned. "Why the hell would I do that?!"

He leaned heavily back on his pillows looking up at the ceiling. His voice broke a little when he did finally speak. "Sorry, I dunno." He sighed. "We were gonna try. When I got back, we were gonna try and be..." he shrugged and it hurt. "Something..." he swallowed the lump in his throat. "We we're gonna talk, at least."

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