Part 19

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An: you know the drill. Comment and share xx always enjoy xx

Chapter 19

As he got off he noticed that her face and neck were flushed and her hair was messed up, but he thought that it was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen.

He took a step away from the bike and she got back on taking the front position this time. "Will you teach me how to ride it?"

His eyebrows shot skyward and he put his hands on his hips, grateful he'd palmed the keys as he'd got off it. "No."

"Why not?" She pouted at him.

She wriggled her ass closer to the gas tank and rested her hands on it. He had to smile, it suited her. "Cause you'll hurt yourself."

"Oh come on..." she put her feet down, hands on the handlebars and attempted to take the kickstand off, her feet only just touched the ground and the heavy bike started to tip. "Shit!"

Steve caught the left handlebar and the seat behind her ass just before it fell sideways. "My point exactly! It's too big for you anyways." Even though he had said no he found himself climbing on behind her, keeping his feet flat on the ground and supporting the bike for them both. "You'd need something much smaller." His voice was light, but he felt heavy with desire as he inclined his head towards the other side of the room were two smaller sports bikes stood.

She leant back into his chest, resting her hands on the grips of the handlebars and tried to ignore the heat rising in her as warmth spread over her body. Her face flushed again, she could feel it on her neck, in her stomach and lower. As he moved forward and put his hands over the top of hers she felt the heat pool between her legs and she let out a little involuntarily gasp, suddenly realising the extent of the effect he was having on her.

She didn't fully understand why her body was reacting to him this way, her mind started whirring out of control. Was it only the presence of the beast that highlighted her attraction to Bucky so she didn't realise the affection she felt for Steve was more or even could be more than just safety? The heat coming from him was immense, her breaths were now coming quicker and she found herself leaning further into him chasing it despite the confusion over her feelings. It felt good and she wanted more of it. She wanted to feel good for a change and this was completely real, completely her, her choice.

Steve was struggling with similar emotions, he had heard her small gasp at their contact and felt her press backwards into him. The curve of her backside was pushing into his crotch, her back moved into him with every breath she took and the lemon smell coming from her hair was seriously clouding his judgment. He shouldn't be near her like this, he shouldn't want to grab her face and kiss her, devour her on this bike, bend her forward over the handlebars and ground himself into her, but that's all he could think about as he squeezed his eyes shut. Without thinking he let go of the throttle and slid his hand up her arm to her shoulder then down across her stomach, squeezing her against his hard body. She was so close, so close to his heart.

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out only the breath she had held onto as he had started to trace his hand up her arm. The weight of him behind her was intoxicating and she turned her head to look up at him. Neither had realised how close they had gotten to one another until then. His face was so close to hers that as she turned her head, she brushed her cheek and then her lips against his soft mouth. His lips fell open a little at the contact, their heated ragged breathes mixing together. Her eyes were rooted to his, the brilliant blue irises holding her frozen in place against him as their lips continued to touch, neither one moving an inch. She wished in that moment that she could smell him. His eyes searched her face and he frowned slightly as if waring with himself, which she didn't realise, he was and then without warning his war ended and he kissed her.

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