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The amount of different people that pass by you in the hallway helps to bring into perspective how insignificant you are as a person. Before I first laid eyes on my crush Hawk, I never thought anything like this, but now that I feel entranced by him I realized that he is never going to like me because I have basically no redeeming qualities that would make me be recognized by Hawk. I am the opposite of popular, I'm not an athletic person, but I am a straight A student. Not like that matters to Hawk though, he would probably just think that I was a nerd.

Stepping in front of my locker, I fiddled with the lock unable to get it open. Come on, I thought to myself hoping that it would give in and open up so I would be able to get the textbooks that I needed for class.

"Do you need help with that?" I heard a voice ask causing me to spin around on my heel to see who this floating voice belonged to. My eyes went wide when I saw Hawk standing there. Instead of saying anything I bolted in the other direction so that I wouldn't have to talk to Hawk. "Did I really just do that?" I asked myself knowing that I really lost the chance to ever talk to Hawk again.

Not hearing the sound of footsteps that were coming from behind I got scared when I heard the same voice ask "Are you scared of me or something?" with a little laugh at the end. I turned to look at Hawk once again trying to swallow the nerves that were consuming my body. "No I'm not." I said shyly wondering why he followed me. "I don't think that two of us have met before, I'm Hawk," he said holding out his hand for me to shake.

I shook the hand that was outreached before saying "I know, I'm Y/n." My left hand shot up to my mouth immediately regretting the words that came out of my mouth. "Oh so you've heard about me?" He said with a smirk on his lips. I nodded my head and said "Yeah I have." with an awkward smile on my face. "Well I gotta go to class now, hopefully I'll see you around." Hawk said before turning around and walking to wherever he needed to go.

I got a notification on my phone and when I looked I saw that Hawk had requested to follow me. I was absolutely thrilled that he asked to follow me, who knows maybe I'll send him a message later.

Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Imagines and PreferancesWhere stories live. Discover now