Request By @Baby_Girx Part 1

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(sorry it was too many characters to put in the title)

Johnny: You had taken Johnny's motorcycle for a second in the front of Johnny's house to see what it was like. You had previously riden a motorcycle before and you knew you were pretty good at it, so you decided to do wheelies and stuff just for the heck of it. Unaware that Johnny was watching you, you got scared when you heard a series of applause coming from the direction of the house. Waving at him, you decided to park the motorcycle so that you could greet him.

"Oh my God babe that was the hottest thing that I have ever seen in my life." Johnny says with a huge smile on his face.

"Really?" you asked getting excited that Johnny thought that it was hot.

"Of course, how many girls could ride a motorcycle and look badass while doing it?" Johnny asked you causing a huge blush to form on your face.

Instead of letting you speak again he said "Now, can you go do your thing again, I want to watch!" while flipping his hair out of his face.

You started off again and did all the tricks that you could do, and everytime that you did one you could hear Johnny clap and cheer for you.

Daniel: The two of you were walking down the street when all of a sudden a suspicious looking man walked by you, and as he passed he grabbed your bag that you were carrying. Daniel looked at you for a second not knowing what to do, but you ran as quickly as you could towards the man and tackled him to the ground, laying a series of punches on his face.

You casually picked up your bag and started to walk towards Daniel who was standing there with his jaw dropped on the floor.

"How come you never told me you could do that?" Daniel asked while getting all pumped up about what just happened.

"I don't know, I guess it never came up." You say causing Daniel to look at you with a weird sort of look.

"Y/n I talk about fighting all the time what do you mean it didn't come up?" Daniel asks while letting out a series of laughs.

You laughed as well and the two of you continued to walk down the street continuing your conversation from earlier.

Miguel: In the middle of your school, there was a massive fight that was going on between the different Cobra Kai and Miyagi Do rivals. You being a Cobra Kai, had fought extremely hard alongside your boyfriend Miguel so that no one would hurt him to badly. Unfortunately though, you weren't able to be with him the whole time and when you left him alone, the unspeakable happened. You were at the bottom of the stairs when you saw Miguel start to fall over the railing. You leaped to where he was going to fall and caught him before he was able to hit the ground.

"Ow." You said due to the fact that he basically crushed you on the stairs.

"I am so so sorry." Miguel said while sitting up and holding his side.

You were extemely choked up over the fact that Miguel could have just died, so instead of telling him, you wrapped him into an extremely tight yet tender hug.

"Thank you so much." he says in the middle of the hug and you could feel tears slide down your face and before the tears could even fall down your face Miguel wiped the tear from your cheek and placed a passionate kiss on your lips.

I hope that this was to your liking the part 2 will be coming out tomorrow!

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