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I entered one of my friends parties when all of a sudden, my ex popped out of no where and pushed me against the wall forcing himself on me.

Flustered I tried to use all of my strength to push him off of me but he was just too strong.

"Get off of me Y/EX/N!" I screamed on the top of my lungs realizing that that was the only way that I could get out of this situation.

To my surprise I felt his body being ripped off of mine as I slowly slid down the wall in defeat.

When I looked up though, to see who it was that saved me I reailzed immediently that it was Johnny a.k.a the most popular guy at my high school.

He through punches and kicked him until he couldn't move anymore, well couldn't move anymore without help to say the least.

Johnny turned to me and extended his hand while asking "Hey are you okay?" with a sypmpathetic smile on his face.

"Y-Yeah." I managed to say as tears started to well up in my eyes.

Even though I said that I was fine Johnny didn't leave yet which surprised me because it wasn't like he knew me or anything, this was the first time that we had ever talked to eachother in our lives.

"You could go have fun." I offered hoping that he wouldn't just stay with me as I leaned against the wall of the house looking at all of the different people that flooded this pretty good sized house.

He looked at me with a slight sparkle in his eye while saying "It's fine I haven't really been enjoying myself at this party tonight." he said in a kind of soft tone which I believed he did due to the fact that he didn't want to trigger me to the point where I would start crying in front of him like a complete and utter idiot.

"So-Uh well It's nice to meet you." I say not really knowing how to start a conversation with someone that I really don't know all that much about.

"It's nice to meet you too Y/n." He says causing me to freak out because I had no clue that he had seen me before let alone know my first name.

I got a little more comfortable in the conversation and the two of continued to talk to quite some time as the party went on.

Even after the shit night that I had I couldn't help but laugh at some of Johnny's remarks and smile as he would flip his blonde hair in a cute way.

I looked at the watch that was strapped to my wrist and noticed that it was already 1:00 in the morning meaning that my parents were probably going to flip my lid when I walk through the front door.

Noticing that I was looking at my watch Johnny asked me "Do you have to go home now?"

I nodded while saying "Unfortunately I do." as the expressin on my face turned into one that was filled with a slight amount of sadness.

"Well in that case, I'll see you Monday at (random restaurant) at around 7:00." When these words slipped from his lips, not only was there a smirk on his lips but he was also blushing quite a bit.

"Really?" I ask wondering why the heck that he would ask me out on a date.

"Yeah for sure." He responded while smiling at me as I started to make my way all the way through the house so that I could go home.

I'm really glad the series of events that took place tonight turned out to be in my favor also, I can't believe I'm going to be going out with thee Johnny Lawrence.

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