What He Would Do If Someone Flirts With You Request For @dulceee555556

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Johnny: Johnny would be the type of guy to come up right behind you and make it super obvious that you were his.

"Hey baby." Johnny says before smashing his lips on yours right in front of the guy.

The random guy looked right at the two of you before rolling his eyes and walking away.

Daniel: Daniel would come up to you and threaten the guy until he leaves you alone.

"Why in the hecking heck do you think that it is ok to talk to my girl." Daniel says with a grimace on his face.

Before the guy could even speak again Daniel continues to say "If you even look at my girlfriend ever I will personally kick your ass."

The guy finally decides that this isn't worth it, and Daniel makes sure to not leave your side for the rest of the night.

Miguel: Miguel would be the guy that get's kind of insecure when someone else flirts with you because he thinks you will leave him.

Miguel awkwardly stood behind you and stared at the guy that was standing in front of you.

He felt defeated but the second that you realized he was there you said "Don't worry babe he's just some asshole that won't shut up." with a fake smile on your face.

Miguel laughed a little bit and then you wrapped him in hug as the random guy walked away.

Robby: Robby would absolutely get frusturated but he would kind of just glide into the situation and pull you away.

This dude would not stop flirting no matter how many times you would turn away from him and ignore.

It scared you at first when a pair of arms lifted you up and carried you to his room but then you realized it was just your boyfriend.

"Thank you babe so much." I said while placing a kiss on his cheek.

"No problem Y/n." Robby said smiling cutely at you.

Hawk: In simplest terms, Hawk would not stand for the guys bullshit.

As this guy wouldn't stop talking, you were so happy that your boyfriend showed up.

Without saying a word to him, Hawk punched the guy right in the face sending him straight to the ground.

The two of you turned to eachother before kissing eachother roughly in the middle of the party.

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