What Dating Johnny Would Be Like

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- He would hug you by picking you up and lifting your feet off of the ground

- Late night drives where you would sing and dance along to the different songs playing on the radio

- Also motorcycle rides where you would hold on to his waist as he rode

- You would watch him fight at Cobra Kai

- He would let you wear his signature red Cobra Kai jacket because it shows people that you are his

- Overly protective of you like all of the time

- He would get jealous when other guys would look at you

- When that would happen he would purposely make out with you in front of the guys in order to show you off

- When you guys would cuddle he would let you rest your head on his chest as he would put his arm around you

- He wouldn't let you practice karate because he didn't want you to get hurt

- He would take you to go see all of the popular movies that were set to come out

Overall he would be the type of boyfriend to always make sure that you are safe and that you feel loved :)

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