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"ROBBY!!!" you scream as you run to your long time best friend that you just noticed walking off of the plane in the airport.

You hadn't seen him in what feels like forever so you could not hold in your excitement of seeing him again.

"Y/n!" he said as he let out a little giggle.

You wrapped your arms around him and engulfed him in a massive hug feeling as happy that you could possibly be because you finally were able to see him in person rather than just facetiming.

"I can't believe that I finally get to see you again." He says as he hugs you back rubbing your back gently.

"Me neither." you say as you finally unwrap yourself from his body.

"I called an uber to take us to my house so it should be here pretty soon." you say as you help him grab one of his bags and start walking.

He smiles and says "Ok, do you wanna stop and get something to eat first?"

You looked at him and said "Yeah that sounds good."

The two of you walk to the closest restaurant which in this case was a Subway.

The two of you ordered and then ate your sandwiches as you waited outside for the Uber driver to show up.

After waiting for what seems like forever the Uber finally pulled up and the two of you got into the car. After about a 30 minute car ride you pulled up in front of your house.

"It looks so different here now." Robby said while looking at how your house was painted a whole entire new color.

"Yeah I just got it painted a little while ago, I couldn't stand the color that my mom had previously painted it."

He laughed while remembering how ugly of a color your mom had painted it.

You searched your purse for the keys to your house and when you finally had found them you unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Right as you stepped inside you turned on the lights and  Robby stepped inside with all of the bagage that he had brought with him.

"Welcome to my humble home." you said while laughing slightly at the funny remark that you had just made.

"Wow it really looks good in here, I like what you did with the place."

You showed him to his bedroom that was located right down the hall from yours and he smirked at the fact that you had decorated it all for him.

Beforehand, you had gotten a bunch of different stuff that he likes in order to make the room that he was staying in for a while feel more comfortable.

"You did all of this for me?" he asked taken back at the act of kindness that you had done.

"Of course I did, I had to make sure you liked it here."

You started to blush but you tried to hide it because you didn't want him to find out about the crush that you had on him.

It was hard though because you didn't want to mess up the friendship so you decided that it was best to just keep quiet and push those feelings way back inside.

He smiled and you could have sworn that he started to blush as well which confused you because you thought for sure that he didn't like you at all.

"Hey Y/n I just wanted to ask you something." "And what would that be," you say starting to get nervous about what he was going to say. "Is it true that you like me?"

You looked at him in shock not knowing how the heck he would have known that you liked him. "Who told you that?" you asked him confused.

"No one told me I just had a feeling but I might be completely wrong." you looked at him trying to figure out whether you should just tell the truth or keep all your feelings boxed in.

You decided that you should try and take some more risks in your life so you told him "It's true but like it's ok if you don't like me back I'm good with just being friends."

You could see a smirk start to form on his lips as he watched the amount of panic in your body rise.

He took a step closer to you and crashed his lips onto yours with more passion than you could ever imagine.

You had never kissed anyone before but for some strange reason it felt as if you had kissed him before.

"Dang." you say as the two of you pull appart from eachother your eyes wide from shock over the event that had just occured.

"I'm guessing you like me back?" you say and Robby smiles while saying "Yeah I definately like you back."

He pulled you into a hug after he said that and from that moment on, you knew that this was going to be the best couple of weeks of your life.

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