•chapter two - talkative•

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a/n : hey everyone! thank you so much for reading and an extra thank you for those of you who voted! i would really appreciate it if you voted at the end of each chapter, it only takes a second!! also, feel free to comment any of your opinions and suggestions throughout the chapter!

Stumbling backwards whilst rubbing my throbbing head, I saw that the brown and bushy-haired girl I had knocked into had dropped all of her books onto the floor. I quickly bent down and helped her pick up her books, noticing that The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 was one of the textbooks she was holding, meaning she was probably entering her 2nd year at Hogwarts.

"Thank you so much!" the girl said, I noticed her very thick British accent. "Oh, um, of course, it was only fair, seeing as I ran into you! Sorry about that by the way!" I responded, hoping I didn't stutter too much.

The girl, sounding somewhat muffled from behind her enormous pile of books, immediately spoke, "Oh my goodness, please don't even worry about it, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, so it was just as much my fault as it was yours. I'm Hermione Granger, what's your name?"

"Talia Baudelaire, I'm transferring to Hogwarts for my third year!" I answered, smiling back at Hermione, who seemed extremely friendly.

"Brilliant," Hermione said, "I am going into my second year, do you know what house you'll be in? I'm in Gryffindor." she was speaking very quickly, making it sort of hard to understand what she was saying, especially with her accent.

Trying to remember what she asked me, I replied, "Wow, um, well I guess my answer would be no because I am not entirely sure what a 'house' is. The only thing that Professor Dumbledore wrote in the letter he sent me along with the supply list was that I was accepted and to be at Platform 9 ¾ on the first of September, so..." I cut myself off because I knew I had started to ramble, "Sorry, I kind of go off on tangents when I'm anxious." I said, realizing that the only person I had met that goes to Hogwarts probably thinks that I was being a blaireau, or a blithering idiot, for all of you non-french speakers.

"No no no, you are fine, Ron and Harry, my best friends who also go to Hogwarts, always tell me that I talk way too much, so it's almost like we are speaking the same language." she says with a chuckle as I let out a breath of relief. "And, by 'house' I mean that Hogwarts has four houses, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Every first year gets sorted into one of the houses on their first day at Hogwarts, so I am assuming you'll have to be sorted with all of the first years before the feast starts. But, anyways, your house is like your family, you live in dorms with your housemates and you can win or lose points for your house by doing actions that are either good or will get you in trouble. All of the points are totaled up at the end of the year and whichever house has the most points is awarded the house cup for the year. Oh, and if you play quidditch, you can try out for your house team, and you will play the other houses in a tournament throughout the year to win the quidditch cup."

I nodded along with her while she helped me understand more about the new school. "Ok, that helped me a whole lot! Thank you so much, Hermione!!" I thanked her and then remembered that I was supposed to be finding my schoolbooks.

"Oh jeez, I have to pick up all my schoolbooks before my grandmother gets scared that I got lost. Thanks again Hermione, I'll see you at school, or maybe on the train?" I asked, wondering if she would be kind enough to let me sit with her on the Hogwarts Express.

"No problem, and I will make sure that we save you a seat on the train! Bye now!" Hermione happily said as she waved goodbye. I waved back to her before turning around to continue my search for Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles. I finally spotted it sitting on the very top row on the bookshelf.

a/n : remember to vote!! <3

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