•chapter twelve - muggle studies•

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I stumbled backwards and smiled up at Fred, who was smirking down at me.

"Hey Talia, what are you doing here? This is fourth year potions." he asked me, with a quizzical look on his face.

"Oh I had potions last class, but I Katie and Ella left before I could ask them where the DADA classroom was, so I was just going to ask Professor Snape for directions," I told him pointing back at the potions room.

"Well, I'll save you the pleasure of another encounter with Snape," he said sarcastically.

Fred gave me the directions to the DADA room and I thanked him quickly before running down the corridor, hoping I wouldn't be late.

I briskly walked through the half-opened door and sat at the back of the class, figuring it would be harder to give me a detention if the professor couldn't see me.

Luckily, the blond haired bimbo of a wizard at the front of the class seemed to self-absorbed to notice my late arrival.

I quickly deducted that he was Gilderoy Lockhart and remembered when Dumbledore had introduced him last night at the feast.

I zoned out during his long speech and looked at my watch before realizing the class was going to end in 5 minutes.

This guy had been talking about himself for over an hour. He told us we could leave a few minutes early, so I snatched my bag and ran out of the classroom.

I looked to the right and saw the Great Hall down the hallway, so I walked towards it, seeing as it would be lunch in a few minutes.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table, spotting Neville a few seats down and Ron and Harry a few seats to my left. Otherwise there weren't too many people in the Great Hall yet.

But soon it was filled with students buzzing around and chatting about their classes.

I see Theo at the Slytherin table surrounded by his friends in third year. (plz pretend theo is in the same year as talia in this bc it only works that way LOL)

Ella and Katie came in, along with the twins and the team, and sat around me. I already felt like a part of the group and I smiled, thinking about how great my new friends were.

"Whatcha smiling about Talia?" Katie asked me teasingly.

Before I got a chance to answer, Ella jumped in and said,"Probably Theo, he was all over her in potions,"

Everyone around us started laughing and I shook my head, embarrassed.

"Ella shut up, first off he was not all over me, we were just partners, and second I was thinking about how you are all so nice to me even though we've only known each other for a little while. Excluding Ella, of course." I told everyone, clearing up the situation.

"Heyy, no need to be rude!" Ella tells me.

I roll my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today and look over to the twins.

"So did anything interesting happen to you two this morning?" I asked them.

"Sadly, no." George told me shaking his head.

"Other than running into a short, lost Gryffindor, not much happened to me," Fred said, chuckling.

"Yeahh, Katie, you and Ella just left me to find the DADA classroom by myself!" I said, turning to face Katie and Ella.

"Ahh well we figured you would just ask Theooo." Ella said with a sing-song voice.

"Would you shut up!" I said playfully punching her in the shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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