•chapter three - top shelf•

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a/n : ahh sorry for the late update, i only just got my story to paste into wattpad!! also i absolutely love drivers license omg! thank you all so much for reading and please remember to vote at the end of the chapter! <3

But, even when I tried standing on my tippy-toes, I couldn't reach the book. As I was getting ready to jump for the book with my arms fully extended upwards, I heard two boys say, "Need some help there?" in unison.

I swiveled my head to face the voices and I saw a set of tall identical twins with flaming red hair. Though they aren't completely identical I thought, because while I was looking at them, I realized that the one on the left had slightly sharper facial features than the one on the right.

When I registered that I had been staring at them for a unusually long time, I cleared my throat and said, "Oh, um, n-no I think I'm fine, thanks though." Feeling embarrassed, I looked down at my feet and then turned back towards to bookshelf to continue reaching for the book, figuring the pair would leave.

I heard faint footsteps, signaling that the red-headed boys had left the aisle, and I let out a large breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding in. Getting back on my tippy-toes to start jumping for the book, I was interrupted, yet again, by one of the twins who said, "You sure you don't need some help? Because I'm quite a bit taller than you, and I could grab whichever book you want without having to jump for it."

Looking back at the boy, knowing he was the handsome one on the left, I step back and said, "Actually, yeah, would you mind getting Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles for me?"

He smirked at me and nodded, walking over to the spot I had been standing in moments before. He scoured the top shelf, found the book, and clasped the textbook in his hand before bringing his arm back down to hand it to me.

"Muggle Studies, eh? Are you going to Hogwarts?" he asked me while I tucked the book under my arm.

"Yeah," I replied, "I just transferred from Beauxbaton, in France." I was trying to stay cool, because I was being given yet another opportunity to make a new friend so that I wouldn't be completely alone at Hogwarts.

Smiling down at me he said, "That's neat, it also explains your elegant French accent. I'm going into my fourth year, what year are you in?"

Shyly grinning at my shoes from the small compliment, I said, "I'll be going into my third year." When I looked back up I saw him staring at me, but when he noticed that I was glancing back at him, he briskly looked away from me, with a slight blush appearing on his face.

When he put his focus back on me he asked, "Well, uh, do you know what house you're going to be sorted into yet?"

"Nope," I answered, "I actually didn't even know there were houses until this nice girl, Hermione told me about them. She said she was in her second year and -"

"Hermione Granger?" He cut me off. "Yeah, do you know her?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know her, well through my younger brother Ron, he's also going into his second year. But, those two - along with Harry - are best friends." he replied with another charming smile.

"Oh yeah, I remember her mentioning Ron and Harry during our conversation." I said back to the boy, who I still didn't know the name of.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked softly with a little giggle.

"Fred Weasley," he said, sticking out his hand for me to shake, "And what's your name?".

I shook his hand while responding, "Talia Baudelaire, pleasure to meet you Fred,"

"The pleasure is all mine," Fred said while smirking at me. I let go of his hand, feeling a pink tint on my cheeks and said, "Alright, well I have to get back to my grandmother, I still have a lot to get for school."

I saw a hint of disappointment on Fred's face after I had told him that, but he swiftly smiled back at me and said, "Yeah, I should probably get back to my family too, I think my mum and sister are waiting in line to get their Lockhart books personally signed by the famous bloke." he said, sniggering a bit when he mentioned his mother and Lockhart.

"Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts." I spoke, with a small wave. Fred waved back and I turned around to finish collecting the schoolbooks I needed. Walking into the Arithmancy aisle, I immediately found Numerology and Grammatica at the beginning of the row.

a/n : okokok so they met, thoughts??
(remember to vote!!)

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