•chapter five - platform 9 & 3/4•

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I woke up feeling pretty tired, seeing as I had been overthinking all of last night. But I needed to get dressed and start packing all of my school stuff into my grandparents' car or else I would be late to Kings Cross station, where the Hogwarts Express would be departing from.

After getting dressed in a simple pair of off-white pants, a thrifted nike sweatshirt, and my air force 1s (pretend they had air forces then LOL)

After getting dressed in a simple pair of off-white pants, a thrifted nike sweatshirt, and my air force 1s (pretend they had air forces then LOL)

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I brought all of my stuff out to the car and started lifting everything into the back. My grandpa would be driving me because my grandmother had to catch up on work, so I hugged her super tight on the porch before saying goodbye.

The trip to the station only took about an hour because, and don't tell the French Ministry this, he enchanted the car to go much faster than the muggle's. But, don't worry, because he also put a charm that blocks the muggles from seeing it, so it didn't do any harm.

When we arrived at the station, I looked for platform 9 ¾ , but I couldn't find it. I frowned a bit and turned to my grandpa to say, "It says the train will be on platform 9 ¾ , but it doesn't look like such a thing exists."

"Don't worry T, I'm sure we can find our way around." my grandpa said, trying to calm me down.

I nodded, still very unsure about everything, but we soon came upon a large group of flaming red-headed, except that two of them had brown and black hair, very odd looking people, who all were carrying trunks and cages with animals, just like me.

And that is when I made eye-contact with Hermione! The same generous girl I had met a few days ago.

I smiled at her from across the station and then said to my grandpa, "Oh, I see a few people who I met at Diagon Alley! I should be able to get to the platform with them, is it okay if I go with them?"

"Of course sweetheart," he responds with a grin, "Go with your new friends, but first give me a hug because I won't see you until holiday break!"

I give him a tight hug and he pats my back. I start to tear up, knowing I won't see him for a while. Leaning more into the hug, I say,"But you have to write everyday, okay, I probably won't be too busy with other kids because of schoolwork, so I should have some time everyday to write to you. And, I need to keep you updated on all of my courses, because Hogwarts has the most amazing ones!"

"Obviously Grams and I will write as often as we can! That Quaffle of yours is going to be very busy, so make sure you take good care of him."

"Alright, I will, but I should go before they get on the platform, I love you!"

My grandpa nodded to me and I spinned back around to walk over to Hermione with my trunk and owl with me. When I walked up to the group of people, I saw that a few of them had disappeared and currently, Hermione was in a very heated argument with two red-headed boys who I immediately recognized as Fred and George.

The argument came to a halt when they realized I was standing in front of them and their frowns turned into smiles.

I felt a little bit awkward just standing there, so I was glad when I heard a shrill voice say,"Why, Fred, George, we all need to get on the platform now before it leaves! And Hermione, dear, would you yell to Ron that-"

The plump woman, also with bright, red hair had noticed me and instantly grinned with the most warm and loving smile I had ever seen.

"Well, who are you, sweet girl?" I was about to respond when Hermione butted in and said,"Oh, Mrs. Weasley, this is Talia Baudelaire, we met in Flourish and Blotts when we all went to get our school things."

I nervously looked down at my feet while Hermione introduced me to Mrs. Weasley, but when she was finished, I had enough courage to say,"And I am so sorry that I interrupted you all, I just have absolutely no idea how to get onto the platform!"

Mrs. Weasley immediately said back to me, "Oh goodness, do not worry about that!! It is absolutely no problem at all, you see, it is going to be Ginny's first year at Hogwarts,"
She motions to another red-head who was standing over by the black-haired and red-haired boys, who I assumed were Harry and Ron.
"But, all you have to do is run straight through that brick wall, without attracted any unwanted muggle eyes, of course. And, if you are nervous, I'm sure Fred and George would love to go first to show you!"

She pointed to Fred and George, unaware that I had already met them, and I nodded kindly over to them.

Then, to Mrs. Weasley, I said, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley!"

She rubbed my shoulder and said,"Of course, darling! Now, you look too old to be a first year, like Ginny, what year will you be going into for this term?"

"Third year, and I transferred from Beauxbaton over the summer, that's why I wasn't sure how to get onto the platform." I said, slightly stuttering over the last few words.

"Well, Hogwarts is extremely lucky to have you, dearie!" Mrs. Weasley said, still beaming at me.

"Okay, if we don't leave now, we are going to miss the train! Fred and George, you two can go first, then Talia and I, then Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley, and finally Ron," Hermione says as she looks over to Ron and Harry,"You and Harry can go last, just make sure none of the muggles see you!"

Fred winks at me as he runs with his trolley through the magical brick barrier and disappears to the other side.

I blush slightly, but soon it is my turn to run through the barrier, luckily, Hermione offered to go with me, so I was more confident.

Together, we ran through the barrier, and, I was quite honestly expecting to slam into the hard surface, but I didn't feel anything.

Opening my eyes, I look around and realize that Hermione and I are on the platform. I smile to myself and follow Hermione onto the train.

As soon as we step onto the train, magical pranks from Zonko's are flying from every compartment and students are loudly chattering while getting settled in.
Hermione takes me further into the train, while we both pinch our noses because someone set off a dungbomb.

She walks into an empty compartment and sits down, opening a book and losing herself in it.

I sit down as well, however, I had not thought to bring a book, so I just used my wand to flick around any little object I could find.

First, a stray button, which I had found laying on the carpeted floor beneath my feet, was lifted into the air with a simple Wingardium Leviosa spell.

And, I was just taking a knut out of the pocket of my jeans where I had stored a small assortment of wizarding currency, when a loud commotion took place out in the aisle.

a/n : yayyy a longer chapter! tell me if you would like me to keep the chapters at like 600-700 words or closer to 1,200-1,400 words! i love writing the story either way! also remember to vote!!!! <3 love you all

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